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  Many Americans find silence uncomfortable during a buffet or a formal dinner. So in the States there is a widespread practice of making "small talk" in certain social situations. Small talk deals with various topics superficially, simply for the sake of keeping a conversation going. The topics might include the weather, sports, college courses, clothing, food, etc. Small talk is especially useful at social gatherings when you meet someone for the first time, or when polite conversation is expected but no serious discussion is desired.
  It is common but not necessarily expected that one knows someone in a group before engaging with him or her in conversation. However, at a party or other informal social gathering, a simple "May I join you?" and a self-introduction is normally sufficient to gain acceptance into a group and to join in a conversation. In some places, such as the lobby of a concert hall or theater, a waiting room or a classroom, it is common for strangers to start a conversation even without an introduction.
  Despite the informality that pervades U.S. society, people in the States expect those whom they speak to put aside whatever they are doing and listen. As a rule, the conversation distance between two people is at least two or three feet. Standing at a closer range will make many Americans feel uneasy.

    不论在自助餐还是正式宴会上,如果常常冷场,美国人会觉得别扭。所以在美国,在某些社交场合,“闲谈”是很流行的。闲谈内容五花八门、漫无边际,目的无非为了把谈话继续下去。话题可以包括天气、体育、学校课程、衣着、食物等等。在社交场所初次遇到别人,或者出于礼貌需要交谈而又不想作严肃的讨论时,闲谈是特别有用的。 (来源:www.EnglishCN.com)

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· You and Your friend Computer
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