这15句英文谚语竟和中文神同步 |
日期:2016-07-09 00:50:21
英语中译是英语学习时的硬伤,但是今天这些英语短语,你完全不用担心自己会发生错误,是的!你看到的字面意思就是它中文的正确翻译~ Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水 Blood is thicker than water. 血比水浓,如此简单粗暴地翻译是不是很好记呢~ Have money to b |
如何挑选理想公司适合自己的职位 |
日期:2015-11-26 01:55:20
Your dream company is hiring. Better still, it has a ton of openings actually, so many, that you could see yourself applying to a few of them. Should you send in multiple applications? After all, won't the person reviewing them know which position y |
细数英文中的各种标志 |
日期:2014-12-08 01:05:07
There is song in English with a chorus that goes like this: 有首英文歌是这么唱的: Sign, sign, everywhere a sign , Blockin out the scenery, breakin my mind, Do this, dont do that, cant you read the sign? 标语!标语!到处都是标语!大煞风景,头昏脑胀 |
听听上一代人的人生感悟 |
日期:2014-11-22 00:31:02
你知道得越多,做得越好。年轻的时候,很难把事情做得很好,因为你知道得不够多。要想知道到底什么最适合自己,就需要多年不同的经验积累和不断地从错误中学习。这就是为什么人们总是说,越老越智慧。智慧往往需要经过时间的积淀。 When you know more, you do better. |
Offer来了? |
日期:2014-09-07 03:47:42
You've spent the last few months answering help wanted ads, visiting recruiters, and networking. You've sent out your resumes and gone on a bunch of interviews. And now the moment you've been waiting for is here. It's your turn now. You have some jo |
8种迹象说明你该辞职了 |
日期:2014-03-23 00:41:23
Its easy to think that if you have a job, you should stay in it for as long as possible but that mindset isnt always right. Too many people stay in their jobs well beyond when they should, and that ends up holding them back in their careers and bree |
英文版的《36计》你会说么? |
日期:2013-10-21 12:34:24
《三十六计》或称三十六策,是指中国古代三十六个兵法策略,语源于南北朝,成书于明清。它是根据我国古代卓越的军事思想和丰富的斗争经验总结而成的兵书,是中华民族悠久文化遗产之一。相对的英文又应该怎么说呢? 1.瞒天过海crossing the sea under camouflage 2.围魏 |
李克强答记者问精彩语录 |
日期:2013-03-20 01:59:36
3月17日上午,十二届全国人大一次会议将举行闭幕会,大会闭幕后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂金色大厅与中外记者见面并回答记者提问。以下为李克强总理精彩语录。 谈全面改革 On Comprehensive reforms 再深的水我们也得趟,因为别无选择。 However deep the water m |
新的一年,你为自己定好职业目标了吗? |
日期:2013-01-31 01:45:28
Was last year cruel or kind to you, professionally speaking? Even if your career didn't take a hit, the tumult of the last few months may have you quaking in your boots over the future. 职业方面,过去的一年对你来说是好是坏呢? 即使你的职业没有受到损 |
十八大报告要点热词双语对照 |
日期:2012-11-23 11:04:20
Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chinese president, delivers a keynote report during the opening ceremony of the 18th CPC National Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, ca |
相亲犹如交易 浪漫输给现实 |
日期:2012-10-26 07:26:26
BEIJING Dating is hard at the best of times. In China the stakes are high from the outset: the expectation is that it should lead to marriage; never mind love for loves sake. 即使万事俱备,相亲也不是一件容易的事。在中国,相亲从一开始就存在高风险:人 |
精彩英文欣赏:美丽在我心 |
日期:2012-06-02 09:29:23
Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was. Ugly was the resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this world: fighting, eating garbage, and, shall we say, love. 我住的公寓大楼里的每个人都认得这只丑八怪。丑八怪曾是小区里的流浪 |
美国女教师的百句经典赞美句子 |
日期:2012-05-28 15:19:12
1. Good Job! 干得好! 2. Excellent! 太出色了! 3. You tried very hard. 你很努力了。 4. Youre so sweet. 你真贴心。 5. Thank you. 谢谢。 6. Good for you!这对你太好了! 7. I can see the progress. 我已经看到了进步。 8. Youre special. 你是独特的。 9. |
容易被炒鱿鱼的五大工作恶习 |
日期:2012-05-18 14:33:50
1. Playing online during the workday. If youre logged intoGmail chat all day, doing your holiday shopping online, or playingon Facebook when you should be working, it could cost you your job.Your employer has the right to monitor anything you do on |
10件别再对自己做的事 |
日期:2011-12-21 06:52:05
10 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself 10件别再对自己做的事 1.Stop trying to hold onto the past. 不要执迷过往。 You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one. 你执着于过去,又怎么能翻开人生的新篇章呢? 2.Stop trying |
办公室好人缘是升职的捷径 |
日期:2011-10-15 12:11:52
You might think you left the world of cliques and in-crowds behind when you left high school. 你或许以为高中毕业就告别了拉帮结派和成群结队的生活。 You'd be wrong. The benefits of being popular extend all the way into the adult workplace, based on re |
经典翻译之《春江花月夜》 |
日期:2011-05-18 13:49:43
春江花月夜 春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮升。 滟滟随波千万里,何处春江无月明! 江流宛转绕芳甸,月照花林皆似霰; 空里流霜不觉飞,汀上白沙看不见。 江天一色无纤尘,皎皎空中孤月轮 。 江畔何人初见月?江月何年初照人? 人生代代无穷已,江月年年只相似; 不知江 |
温家宝总理答记者问翻译 |
日期:2011-04-20 10:01:42
2011年3月14日上午,国务院总理温家宝在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅与采访十一届全国人大四次会议的中外记者见面并回答记者提出的问题。备考口译的同学可以好好学习一下这些句子的翻译,其中不少就已经出现在历年的口译考试中哦。点击查看现场口译视频和文字稿 温总理在讲 |
奥巴马代言中国山寨黑莓手机? |
日期:2009-07-08 23:22:45
Okay, not really. But that's the idea behind an ad, the latest emanation from China's zany shanzhai culture, a mixture of old-school copycatting and arch parody。 好吧,实际上并不是这样。不过这正是一则广告背后的想法,这则广告是中国荒唐的山寨文化的最 |
世界500强企业名称中英对照 |
日期:2009-07-05 23:00:11
1 Exxon Mobil 埃克森美孚 美国 炼油 2 Wal-Mart Stores 沃尔玛商店 美国 零售 3 General Motors 通用汽车 美国 汽车 4 Ford Motor 福特汽车 美国 汽车 5 DaimlerChrysler 戴姆勒克莱斯勒 德国 汽车 6 Royal Dutch/Shell Group 皇家荷兰壳牌集团 荷兰/英国 炼油 7 BP |
有多少人上班的时候做私事 |
日期:2009-06-06 03:18:09
Americans who feel bored and underpaid do work hard--at surfing the Internet and catching up on gossip, according to a survey that found US workers waste about 20 percent of their working day。 厌倦工作、又觉得薪金太低的美国人把时间都浪费到了上网和 |
汶川地震一周年:灾难后的重生 |
日期:2009-05-13 02:57:27
Anniversary of earthquake in Wenchuan: regeneration after the disaster 5.12,中国伤痛之日。一年前的这一天,汶川大地震突如其来,天塌地陷,山河破碎,同胞罹难,举国同悲。 May, 12th is the most grievous day of China. On this day last year, Wenchuan was |
温总理答记者问精彩语录 |
日期:2009-03-17 11:17:05
一个领导者应该把眼睛盯住前方,把握现在,思考未来。 As a leader, his eyes should be on the way ahead, his energy should be focused on the present and at the same time and he should be thinking of the future。 天变不足畏,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤。 One |
准第一夫人:照顾好女儿是首要任务 |
日期:2009-01-18 12:37:51
Elegant, passionate, a strong career woman and a devoted mom, Michelle Obama has already become a role model with an army of fans as she prepares to become the nation's first lady. 她优雅大方、充满热情,她是成功的职业女性,是位称职的母亲,在即将成为 |
翘首幸福:请你一定记住的15句话 |
日期:2009-01-11 01:12:12
Most people learn over time, but often learning comes too late to be fully useful. There are certainly many things that I know now that would have been extremely useful to me earlier in my life; things that could have saved me from many of the mista |
中英对译:诸葛亮—三国时期的骂人之王 |
日期:2009-01-02 02:03:18
Zhuge Liang---the King of Abusein the Three Kingdoms Period As one of the chief figures in Romance of Three Kingdom,Zhuge liang was not only respected by his intelligence,but also famous for his exetremely excellent eloquence.(Its difficult to know |
中国流行词的标准英文译法 |
日期:2008-12-19 01:26:42
1. 素质教育 :Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业: the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出: ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的 养老金 : clear up pension payme |
中英姓氏对应:不懂英文也能给自己取英文名字 |
日期:2008-12-12 00:57:00
A 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha 常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Ch |
陈云林访台:“一日生活圈,千里一日还”。 |
日期:2008-11-18 04:35:04
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning. In todays press conference, Id like to extend my gratitude and health-felt warmth to all of you (With gratitude and enthusiasm, I attend todays press conference). To begin with, Id like to an |
孙子兵法36计中英对译 |
日期:2008-09-23 01:23:11
1.瞒天过海crossing the sea under camouflage 2.围魏救赵relieving the state of Zhao by besieging the state of Wei 3.借刀杀人killing someone with a borrowed knife 4.以逸待劳waiting at ones ease for the exhausted enemy 5.趁火打劫plundering a burning hou |
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