日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
I HAVE A DREAM Martin Luther King ,Jr. August 28, 1963 I say to you today ,my friends,so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream。 I have a dream that one da |
春节背景知识(英文介绍)☆ |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
Introduction The oldest and most important festival in China is the Spring Festival, more commonly known in the West as Chinese New Year. Like all Chinese festivals, the date of the new year is determined by the lunar/solar calendar rather than the W |
My english essay on my idol.... |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
My english essay on my idol....7/18/2001 My idol...Richard James Edwards Richey was last seen in the early morning of February 1, 1995, when, on the eve of a promotional visit to America, he walked out of the Embassy Hotel in Baywater Road, London, l |
我有一个梦[译文] |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
我有一个梦 马丁. 路德.金 1963,8,28 朋友们,今天我要对你们说,尽管今天和明天困难重重,但我依然怀有一个梦。这个梦深植于美国梦之中。 我梦想有一天,这个国家将会奋起,实现其立国信条的真谛:我们认为这些真理不言而喻:人人生而平等。 我梦想有一天,在佐治亚州 |
母爱 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
远程恋爱[Long Distance Love] |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
[Long Distance Love] ------------------------ I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You ====================================== Dedicated to My husband, Joakim Submitted by Tara Reijosson To My Dear Jocke, All my life I've been waiting for you... ...the fir |
英文简历之24秘笈[求职参考] |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
英文简历之24秘笈 ------------------------------------------------ 1. What IS a resume anyway? Remember: a Resume is a self-promotional document that presents you in the best possible light, for the purpose of getting invited to a job interview. It's |
How the world has (and hasn't) changed |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
How the world has (and hasn't) changed Oct 25th 2001 From The Economist print edition Remember September 10th? ON SEPTEMBER 11th, when millions around the world watched with astonishment and horror as two hijacked aircraft flew into the World Trade C |
Why China? |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
Why Supply Chain Management? With the globalization of markets, stiffer competition, new technologies and demanding customers, supply chain management has become the rallying cry of business leaders from around the globe. Why? Because effective suppl |
A beautiful mind |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
A beautiful mind3/14/2002 ================================ There are some movies that just reach something deep inside of you and when it finished you sit left with some many thoughts, new ways of seeing things, so many questions and so many new foun |
英语求职信范例 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
Dear Sirs, Please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in Yangcheng Evening News of April 9. I am 28 years of age and unmarried. After receiving my B.B.A. from Xiamen University, I worked for three years as an offic |
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