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Location: Somewhere in the sea of sand
Age: 21    Sex : F

Ack! My hands are stinging from the Glysolid i've just put on them...that means that they're too dry and cracked, ugh! The weather and soap does that to them, poor things.
I would also like to clear something up here. My dad can be difficult at times, and we haven't had one of the best relationships a father and daughter could have, but my dad is not a terrible man. He's a good guy at times, and he can really glow, at others he can be difficult and depressing. He is after all my dad and i love him, even though i sometimes have a funny way of showing it, especially in front of friends, but really he's not all bad.

Great now that that's out of the way, i can now jump for joy. I COOKED! Well actually i've been cooking these past couple of days. I've been trying to build my culinary skills, and al-hamdulilah, they're coming along just fine. Today I made an authentic Italian tomatoe soup. Now you may think it's easy, but believe me, getting the Italian part of it was kind of tricky. But mashallah, dad and sis had two helpings of it at lunch and my mum finished it. Bil 3afiya, all of you. They all said how lovely it was, and all it was missing was croutons, even I thought so.

I also BAKED!! I made a banana and carrot cake, (minus the walnuts, even though they ARE a big plus, only we didn't have any). It was quite easy to make and a lot of fun to put together. I used to bake apple crumbles every week, to my sis's delight. She used to love them because i made the crumble from scratch and made sure it was crispy. One of the few dishes i use my bare hands with, hehe. (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

I droppped a treat in my jar of obsessions today.

Spoke to Joey, wrote to Yusef and got a reply, talked to 3amir for the space of a couple of seconds. I've been clearing out the papers under my desk today. Tomorrow i'm hopefully cooking again, and maybe something with chicken. Tuesday inshallah i'm going to the beach with friends again...yup THOSE friends. Booha is coming to Jeddah the day after i leave. Se7s though is coming back soon. I've been listening to my chilled Ibiza CD...you guys have to buy it or at least download "3 Kilos" by Prodigy. I will finish off my papers, read, check my email, chat to Shahla if she is around and then go to bed, allow the cycle to begin again, and perhaps foul around with emails with R...who knows. Summer is back.

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