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We say that the music eases the behaviours. Maybe, anyway, the music eases our soul, I am persuaded of it. I like the music of the 18th Century, and in the music of this time, I love more particularly Georg Friedrich Hdel.. And among all the works of Hdel, which I like and which I know, an aria, especially,fascinates me by its beauty, its grace, its charm, it is the operatic aria Rinaldo " Let me cry my disastrous fate " I cannot explain the spell that this music provokes in me, a sort of plenitude, a perfect pleasure, one moment of pure happiness. This majestic beauty fills my soul and leaves me calmed. Yes, this music has the power to calm my doubts, my fears.It helps me to live more serenely. I would not know how to live without listening to it, often, always with the same happiness..
It is a difficult and precarious exercise to write its diary. I am used to keep silent about my feelings. My education so wanted it. Then, to be sincere, completely sincere, is a sort of violation of the principles which steered my life, until now. That is why, only, I can deliver a part of myself, the most evident for those who know me. But, I try nevertheless, to open myself to the others, I hope to achieve it , more and more.
Other thing. I visited very beautiful exhibitions of photos, that the American photographer, William Klein, dedicated to Paris.The painter, Fernand Ler, said " It is necessary to take out studios ", William Klein made it, for our biggest pleasure. He photographed popular Paris, far from all the usual commonplaces, and he gives an alive vision without artifice of our capital. Yesterday, it was holiday of the music in Europe. In Paris, the music was in all the corners of streets, any music sorts. It was cheerful and noisy, we were even favoured with a fireworks in every district.. Ah, the music!! I return to my point of departure!!! (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)