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13.Termination of the Contract
13.1 Should the Employee be incompetent to perform his duties during the period of probation, the Employer may terminate this contract and repatriate him back to , the Employee shall immediately and unconditionally return to domicile in without objection. The expenses caused by round-trip flight ticket and others under this article shall be born by the concerned recruiting agency. (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)
13.2 During the period of probation, shall the Employee‘s health examination record show abnormal in any of the items checked, i.e. Chest x-ray, HIV antibody check, Proges-Salomon test, Hepatitis B surface antigen test, Malaria plate test, Faeces examination for intestinal parasites (including protozoa such as dysentery and amoeba), Urine examination for amphetamine and morphine, Pregnancy test, General physical examination (including mental state) and pellagra test,, etc, or the central health authorities altered any of the health examination items, the Employer may terminate this contract and repatriate him back to . The Employee shall immediately and unconditionally return to with no objection. His round-trip flight ticket and other expenses incurred shall burn by the recruiting agency.
13.3 In the event the Employee is found to have violated any of the followings, the Employer may terminate this contract and repatriate him back to , the Employee shall immediately and unconditionally return to without objection. The Employee shall be responsible for his round - trip flight ticket and all other concerned expenses or reimburse such expenses to the Employer or to the third person, who has paid such expenses in advance.
(A) Residing in the R.O.C. with his dependents other than temporary visiting purpose.
(B) Getting married during his employment in Taiwan.
(C) Found to suffer from HIV Positive Antibody, Tuberculosis, Venereal Disease, etc., or the central health authorities altered any of the health examination items, during the period of employment.
(D) Lost his original ability to work.
(E) Engaged in a third party other than the Employer.
(F) Having acted against public orders or good morals.
(G) Violation of other laws or regulations of the Republic of China with serious consequences.
(H) Disobeying commands or instructions of the Employer or the representative of the Employer, and has already received warning notice for three times.
(I) Where the Employee is continuously absent from work without reasonable excuses for three days in a row or six days in a month.
(J) Ruining the property of the Employer or disclosing technological or confidential information of the Employer deliberately. All the expenses due to the damages caused by the above activities shall be born by the Employee.
This contract shall be in Chinese, and English correspondingly. In case of discrepancies in interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.
15.1 甲方依法应为乙方负担健康检查、外侨居留证等相关手续费用,以及在台期间之就业服务管理费用。
15.2 如发生天然灾害、暴动、战争或不可抗力之事件,甲方应疏散乙方至安全地区,假如疏散后尚无法继续工作,甲方应负责将乙方遣返,并应负担其一切费用。
15.3 若有未尽事宜,皆依中华民国劳动法规及相关规定办理。
15.4 如甲方未遵守本契约之全部或部份条文,甲方应负担乙方因此所导致之所有损失。
15.5 乙方应严格遵守并配合甲方工作规则与相关规定。
15.6 乙方应遵守并配合劳工安全卫生法规相关规定。
15.1 The Employer is responsible for fees and expenses incurred on the acquisition of Alien Resident Certificate and medical examination in accordance with the laws and regulations of the R.O.C., as well as the employment service or management fees.
15.2 Should there be any natural disaster, riot, uprising, or war, the Employer shall evacuate the Employee to a safe area. In case the situation is no longer conducive for the continuity of work, the Employer shall arrange and pay for all the expenses for repatriation of the Employee.
15.3 Any other terms and conditions not mentioned in this contract shall be in accordance with the stipulations of the labor laws and regulations of the R.O.C.
15.4 In case the Employer fails to implement any of the conditions agreed in this contract in full or in part, the Employee shall be responsible to all the losses incurred to the Employee.
15.5 The Employee shall strictly observe and comply with the Employer's work rules and relevant regulations.
15.6 The Employee hereto shall observe and comply with regulations concerning the Labor Safety and Health Law.
本契约正本一式二份,须经我国驻外机关验证,双方各执一份。副本二份,除一份报中华民国行政主管机关备查外,另一份由人力中介公司存查。 |