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  The Employer shall pay the Employee wages for overtime with consent, if necessary , on the following rate: (来源:EnglishCN.com)

  6.1 Where the overtime does not exceed 2 hours, the Employee shall be paid in addition to his regular hourly wage, an additional 1/3 of regular hourly rate (NT$ 88 per hour)。

  6.2 Where the overtime is over two hours, but does not exceed four hours, the employee shall be paid in addition to his regular hourly wage, an additional 2/3 of regular hourly rate (NT$ 110 per hour)。

  6.3 Where the overtime is required owing to the occurrence of an act of God, accident or unexpected matter, the Employer may extend the working hours prescribed on article 4, the Employee shall be paid an overtime wage two times his regular hourly rate (NT$ 132 per hour)。

  6.4 If the Employee is required to work on statutory holidays under article 5.2, special leave under article 5.3, the Employee shall be paid an overtime wage two times his regular hourly rate (NT$ 132 per hour)。




  7.Expenses for meals

  The Employer shall provide the Employee three meals per day, including regular day off, statutory holiday, special leave, and sickness leave period, at the rate of NT$ per day, which deducted from the wages.


  甲方应于契约存续期间提供乙方安全卫生设施完善之宿舍,乙方应住甲方提供之宿舍不得外宿,其费用每月计新台币 元,由工资中抵付之。


  During the duration of employment the Employer shall provide the Employee the dormitories with safety, health, good and suitable installations. The Employee shall live in assigned lodging and shall not live outside. The expense of lodging is NT$ per month, deducted from the wages.




  9.Legal Social Insurance and Funeral Service

  During the period of employment the Employee shall be protected with imposition of premiums and compensations of the Labor Insurance and the National Health Insurance. In the event of death of the Employee, the Employer shall bear all expenses incurred due to the transportation of the corpse as well as his personal belongings to his domicile in .



  10. Ordinary Sick Leave

  For ordinary sick leave not exceeding thirty (30) days in one year, the Employee shall be entitled to half pay.


  乙方自 来台工作及工作期满后返国之机票,由乙方自行负担。

  11. Traveling Expenses

  The expenses caused by flight for coming from …………………… to Taiwan & returning to domicile in

  upon completion of the contract shall be born by the Employee.


  12.1 乙方应遵循甲方之公司规定及当地法律,并遵循所在地之传统及风俗习惯。

  12.2 乙方仅能于甲方公司工作。

  12.3 乙方不得参与抗议、示威、游行等非法活动。


  12.1 The Employee shall abide the work rules and regulations of the Employer's company stipulated in conformity with the R.O.C. laws as well as the local traditions and customs.

  12.2 The Employee shall work only for the Employer's company.

  12.3 The Employee shall not engage in any unlawful activities such as sit-in, strike, protest or demonstration.


  13.1 于试用期间,乙方未尽职责,甲方得终止本契约,并将乙方遣返回 ,乙方应无异议,无条件立即返回,国外中介公司应负担乙方回程之机票及其有关费用。

  13.2 于试用期间,乙方未通过医院之健康检查项目如:X 光肺部检查、HIV抗体检查、梅毒血清检查、B 型肝炎表面抗原检查、疟疾血片检查、肠内寄生虫(含痢疾阿米巴等原虫)粪便检查、安非他命、吗啡尿液检查、妊娠检查、一般体格检查(含精神状态)及癞病检查或其它中央卫生主管机关指定检查项目,甲方得终止本契约并将乙方遣返回 ,乙方应无异议,无条件立即返回。国外中介公司应负担乙方回程之机票及其有关费用。

  13.3 发生下列情况之一时,甲方得终止本契约,并将乙方遣返 ,乙方应无异议,无条件立即返回 .乙方应自行负担或偿还由甲方或第三者先行代付之回程机票及其有关费用。











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