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Delisting (股市)摘牌
(股市)摘牌,停止上市: 从证交所撤走某公司的股票。可能是因为违规操作而被监管机构下令摘牌,也可能是由于被私人收购,与其他集团合并等原因公司自己作出的安排。
 Delisting: The removal of a company’s stockfrom an exchange. This can be ordered by theregulator, because of a breach of securitiesrules, or can be arranged by the companyitself, because it is being taken private, hasmerged with another group, etc.
例证:他说,如果英国电信可以选择,那么公司也早就会在美国摘牌了。一家在美国上市的德国公司的董事会成员披露,在DAX - 30 指数的13 家在美上市企业中,至少有一半想摘牌。
 EXAMPLE : He said BT would havedelisted from the US if it had had the option.And a board member of a US-quoted Germancompany has revealed at least half of the 13Dax 30 companies with US listings wanted to withdraw.
  (来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

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