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自动对盘系统未完成买卖盘纪录 <haha> AMS order book
自动对盘系统第二终端机 <haha> AMS Second Terminal
自动荧幕交易系统 <haha> automated screen trading system (AST system)
自动暂缓交易机制 <haha> circuit breaker
自发性收购 <haha> management buy-out (MBO)
自置光纤线路 <haha> private fibre optical circuit
自营买卖 <haha> proprietary trading
行 <haha> hong
行使 <haha> exercise
行使方式 <haha> exercise style
行使日 <haha> exercise day (E day)
行使后按金 <haha> margin-after-exercise
行使期 / 行使时限 <haha> exercise period
行使价 <haha> strike price(options); exercise price
行使价间距 <haha> exercise price interval
行仓 <haha> firm position
行业覆盖层面 <haha> spread of sector
行头盘 <haha> front running
估计使用年期 <haha> estimated useful life
估值师 <haha> valuer
估值报告 <haha> valuation report
低收费经纪 <haha> discount broker
低于面值 <haha> below par
低于最佳卖盘价 / 低于最好沽盘价 <haha> downtick; minus tick
作实买卖价 <haha> firm bid and ask quotations
作价买卖 <haha> market making
佣金回扣 <haha> commission rebate
兑付* <haha> redemption
免责声明 <haha> disclaimer
冷淡对待令 <haha> cold shoulder order
利差交易 <haha> carry trade
利息补贴(中国内地) <haha> interest rate subsidy(Mainland China)
利息资本化 <haha> capitalisation of interest
利益冲突事宜委员会 <haha> Conflict Committee
利率上限 <haha> interest-rate ceiling
利率掉期 / 利率调期* <haha> interest-rate swap
利率掉期期货 <haha> Interest Rate Swap Futures (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)
利率期货 <haha> interest-rate futures
利率衔接 <haha> interest collar; interest rate collar
利润 <haha> profit
初次公开招股 <haha> initial public offering (IPO)
初步认购价 <haha> initial subscription price
助理主管(创业板) <haha> assistant supervisor(GEM)
即日平仓交易 <haha> day trade
即日回购协议(银行) <haha> intraday repurchase agreement(banking)
即日有效买卖盘 <haha> good-for-day order
即日拆借市场 <haha> intra-day money market
即日流动资金 <haha> intraday liquidity
即日差额缴款报告(中央结算系统) <haha> Intra-day Marks Collection Report(CCASS)
即日追补按金 <haha> intra-day margin call
即日报价 <haha> intraday quotation
即日买卖 <haha> day trade
即日盘 / 即日买卖盘 <haha> day order
「即日鲜」 <haha> day trade
即日额外按金 <haha> intra-day margin
即月 <haha> front-month
即夜传送报告资料服务(中央结算系统) <haha> Overnight Report Distribution(CCASS)
即时支付结算系统(金管局) <haha> Real Time Gross Settlement system (RTGS)(HKMA)
即时或取消 <haha> Immediate-or-Cancel (IOC)
即时汇款同时交收(银行) <haha> payment vs payment (PvP)(banking)
即时资讯 <haha> real time information
即时数码资料传送专线 <haha> realtime digital datafeed
即时数码数据服务 <haha> Realtime Digital Data Service (RDDS)
即时转送 <haha> online transfer
否定声明 <haha> negative statement; disclaimer
囤仓策略 <haha> buy and hold strategy
均衡价格 <haha> equilibrium price
坐盘 <haha> proprietary trading
夹仓 <haha> squeeze; short squeeze
尾盘 <haha> at-the-close order
技术分析 <haha> technical analysis
投资分析员 <haha> investment analyst
投资服务指令(欧洲联盟) <haha> Investment Services Directive (ISD)(European Union)
投资者户口服务 <haha> Investor Account Service
投资者户口持有人 <haha> Investor Participant (IP)
《投资者户口持有人规则》 <haha> Terms and Conditions for Investor Participants
《投资者与证券市场》(刊物) <haha> Investors and the Stock Market(publication)
投资者赔偿有限公司 <haha> Investor Compensation Company Limited
《投资者应知多点》(刊物) <haha> Know More About Your Investment(publication)
投资级别 <haha> investment grade
投资理念 <haha> investment philosophy
投资组合 <haha> portfolio
投资组合经理 <haha> portfolio manager
投资对象 <haha> investee
投资管理研究联会 <haha> Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR)
投资顾问 <haha> investment adviser
投资顾问委员会 <haha> Investment Advisory Committee
投标程序 <haha> tender procedure
折扣 <haha> discount; haircut
折扣经纪 <haha> discount broker
折算 <haha> translation
折旧 <haha> depreciation
折让 <haha> discount
折让经纪 <haha> discount broker
抛空 <haha> short selling
改良特别股份交易方法 <haha> Enhanced Special Stock Trading Method
更正交易 <haha> trade amendment
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