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纯交易板 <haha> trading-only board
纸黄金 <haha> paper gold
索偿通知 <haha> claim notice
蚊型股 <haha> penny stock
被动受托人 <haha> bare trustee
讯息提示 <haha> alert message
讯框传送交易网络 <haha> frame relay trading network
托管人 <haha> custodian
托管商参与者(中央结算系统参与者) <haha> Custodian Participant(CCASS Participants)
记名证券 <haha> registered securities
记名证书 <haha> registered certificate
记账式国库券(中国内地) <haha> Registered Treasury(Mainland China)
财政司司长 <haha> Financial Secretary
财政年度 <haha> financial year
财政股东 <haha> financial shareholder
财政健全 <haha> financial integrity
财政部(中国内地) <haha> Ministry of Finance(Mainland China)
《财政资源规则》 <haha> Financial Resources Rules
财务申报 <haha> financial reporting
财务风险 <haha> financial risk; financial exposure
财务租赁 <haha> financial lease
财务通融 <haha> financial accomodation
财务业绩 <haha> financial results
财务摘要报告 <haha> summary financial report
财务监管 <haha> financial regulation
财务顾问 <haha> financial adviser
财经市场发展专责小组 <haha> The Financial Market Development Task Force
《财经有道 - - - 证券、期货及投资界专业道德实务指引》 <haha> Ethics in Practice - A Practical Guide for Financial Practitioners
财经事务及库务局 <haha> Financial Services and the Treasury
(来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

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