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抵押安排 <haha> security arrangement
抵押品 <haha> collateral; security
抵押品资格 <haha> collateral eligibility
抵押债项 <haha> secured debts
抵押证券 <haha> asset-backed securities (ABS)
抵销 <haha> set off
「拆骨专家」 <haha> asset stripper
拆卖资产 <haha> asset stripping
招股书 / 招股章程 <haha> prospectus
招股价 <haha> issue price
招股机制 <haha> offering mechanism
招标发售 <haha> offer by tender
放宽利率管制 <haha> deregulation of interest rates
放宽管制 <haha> deregulation
服务业联会(香港总商会) <haha> Coalition on Service Industry (Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce)
东亚及大洋洲证券交易所联会 <haha> East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation (EAOSEF)
东南亚国家协会(东协) <haha> Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
东盟地区论坛 <haha> ASEAN Regional Forum
东盟自由贸易区 <haha> ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
武士债券 <haha> samurai bond
沽出未抵押期权 <haha> naked option writing
沽出备兑期权 <haha> covered writing
沽出认沽期权 <haha> write a put option
沽出认购期权 <haha> write a call option
沽空 <haha> short selling
沽盘 <haha> sell order
沽盘价 <haha> ask price; asked price
法人股(中国内地) <haha> legal person share(Mainland China)
法定公益金(中国内地) <haha> statutory public welfare fund (Mainland China)
法定公积金(中国内地) <haha> statutory surplus reserve(Mainland China)
法定股本 <haha> authorised capital
法定储备 <haha> statutory reserve
法律风险 <haha> legal risk
法律实体 <haha> legal entity (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
法团大股东具报书 <haha> Corporate Substantial Shareholders Notification
泡沫经济 <haha> bubble economy
波幅 <haha> volatility
波幅校验范围 <haha> Volatility Scan Range (VSR)
注入资产 <haha> asset injection
炒高价格 <haha> ramping; price ramping
争夺式收购 <haha> contested takeover
物业估值师 <haha> property valuer
物业增值税 <haha> property gains tax
狙击手(收购) <haha> predator; raider(takeover)
直接存款/存账指示 <haha> Direct Credit Instruction (DCI)
直接扣款/扣账指示 <haha> Direct Debit Instruction (DDI)
直接纳入中央结算系统的新股 <haha> direct stock admission(CCASS)
直接结算 <haha> direct clearing
直接结算参与者 <haha> Direct Clearing Participant (DCP)
直通式交易程序 <haha> straight-through processing
直驳光纤 <haha> dark fibre
直线折旧法 <haha> straightline method of depreciation
空仓 / 空头* <haha> bear position; short position
《股市资料》 <haha> Fact Book; Fact Sheet
股市资料捐赠计划 <haha> Stock Market Information Donation Programme
股本 <haha> share capital
股本基数 <haha> equity base
股本价值 <haha> value of equity capital
股本证券 <haha> equity securities
股本权证 <haha> equity warrant; subscription warrant (vs derivative warrant)
股份化 <haha> demutualisation
股份代号 <haha> stock code
股份交收费 <haha> stock settlement fee
股份存入表格 <haha> Stock Deposit Form
股份存入费 <haha> stock deposit fee
股份收纳 <haha> stock conversion
股份有限公司 <haha> joint stock company
股份制 <haha> demutualisation
股份承押人 <haha> stock pledgee
股份承押人参与者(中央结算系统参与者) <haha> Stock Pledgee Participant(CCASS Participants)
股份拆细 <haha> split; stock split
股份计划 <haha> share scheme
股份页(大利市机) <haha> stock page(Teletext)
股份托管费 <haha> stock custody fee
股份提取费 <haha> stock withdrawal fee
《股份登记机构操守准则》(证监会) <haha> Code of Conduct for Share Registrars(SFC)
股份结算费 <haha> stock clearing fee
股份认购权 <haha> share option
股份卖空试验计划 <haha> Short Selling Pilot Scheme
股份购回 <haha> share repurchase
《股份购回守则》 <haha> Code on Share Repurchases
股份转移日结单(中央结算系统) <haha> Daily Movement Statement(CCASS)
股份转移报告(中央结算系统) <haha> Statement of Stock Movement(CCASS)
股份权益 <haha> share entitlements
《股价敏感资料披露指引》 <haha> Guide on disclosure of price-sensitive information
股东名册 <haha> register of members; share register
股东周年大会 <haha> annual general meeting (AGM)
股东特别大会 <haha> extraordinary general meeting (EGM)
股东贷款 <haha> shareholder loan
股东应占溢利 <haha> profits attributable to shareholders
股东权益 <haha> equity interest
股东权益小组(证监会) <haha> Shareholders Group (SFC)
股息率 <haha> dividend yield
股息单 <haha> dividend warrant
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