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经典俚语使用范例 Slang Examples!

为什么我们听英语广播、学标准教程感觉良好,跟外国人直接对话也没什么大问题,但是却经常发现无法听懂两个外国人的对话。这是为什么?下面的例子揭示了英语人士经常用怎样的语言在对话,俚语和平常语言有怎样的对应关系,本站建议你仔细看完... (来源:EnglishCN.com)

Okay Cobber... Grab the esky, somethen to munch on, and sit back and have a burl at "Speaking Aussie"... Lets stop playen sillybuggers and have a ridgy didge attempt....

(Translation - Okay my friend, get yourself a cold drink, something to eat, and sit back and have a try at  "Speaking Australian"...  Lets stop messing around, and have a genuine attempt.)


Us fellas and sheilas down under tend to leave off  the last letters of some of our words. We shorten them when ever we can, cos we are too lazy to say the whole word! (plus it's much easier to talk this way when we are drunk). Here's a couple of examples translated from English to Aussie:

G'Day - (hello or good day to you)            Sanger - (sandwich)
Ambo - (ambulance)   Reckon - (you think so)
Brekkie - (breakfast)   Wanna - (want to)
Gonna - (going to)   Arvo - (afternoon)


Example: Hello my friend, do you want to come over this afternoon for some lunch and a cold drink?

Aussie: G'day mate, ya wanna lob in this arvo for a sanger and a tinnie?


Example: (boss to employee) Could you please stay back later this evening, I have an extra job I need finished?

(employee) I'm sorry, but I have plans this evening... so no, I will be unable to....

Aussie:(boss to employee) Hey Cobber, ya reckon ya can hang a round a bit longer tonight, gotta rush job in?

(employee) Got buckleys mate, goin out for a heart starter with me mates... so, no can do mate...

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·令某人刮目相看 Knock the Socks off Someone
·hot button 热门事物,敏感事件
·nitty-gritty 核心,本质
·美国俚语大全3/3-American Slang
·美国俚语大全2/3-American Slang

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