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40 Ideas For New Years Resolutions
As a fitness trainer, I realize that the best way to get everything that you want is to set goals. As we come into the New Year, there is no better time to set goals. So here are 40 goals/New Years Resolutions. Pick one or do a combination of several. Either way, if you stick to it, you will become a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled person. Happy New Year! (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
Body and Health
1. Eat more fruits and vegetables everyday. Make it a goal to add at least three 2. Join a health club and go at least 3 times a week 3. Build muscle. Remember, each pound of muscle burns an extra 40 calories a day while at rest! 4. Get regular doctors visits, exams, and physicals 5. Stop smoking, or smoke less 6. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away 7. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night 8. Limit your sugar and fatty food intake
Family and Relationships
1. Be a more attentive parent, spouse, or friend 2. Spend more time with your loved ones 3. Make people laugh 4. Be more supportive of your childrens dreams 5. Bond with a family member that you don't see often 6. Have family night at least once a week 7. Have date night with your partner or spouse at least once a week
Career, Education, and Finance
1. Save 10% of your income (or whatever percent is good for your financial situation) 2. But less needless stuff 3. Devise a savings plan so that you can buy something important 4. Save money by doing things yourself rather than hiring someone 5. Create a budget and stick to it 6. Vow to learn at least one new thing each day 7. Further your education 8. Improve your business or career status 9. Make a new career or educational move 10. Redevote yourself to your career
1. Take a few vacations and weekend trips 2. Take up a new hobby 3. Start a club or organization 4. Meditate 5. Volunteer or donate to a charity or good cause 6. Take time for yourself 7. Smile more often (it really is contagious) 8. Have spa days
1. Keep your car, office, and home cleaner 2. Swear/curse less 3. Finish something you started 4. Start a garden 5. Drive safer 6. Watch less television 7. Set goals, put them in writing, and go for it!