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Elissa says she'd love to meet the right man, but it will happen when it happens. Meanwhile, life is good - and she has to get back to work。艾丽莎说她也想遇到对的人,不过这一切都要看缘分。在这个过程中,生活也还是很美好的——她也要回去工作了。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
This article gives me hope that I may soon fulfill my adulthood dream of marrying an intelligent, financially independent, emotionally secure, non-overweight woman who will not look down on my aspiration to become a house-husband. All I need to do now is learn to speak Mandarin and move to China。这篇文章给了我希望啊!!我一直以来的愿望总算可以实现了!我一直梦想找一个聪明过人、经济独立、情感稳定、身材匀称的姑娘当老婆,她还得不嫌弃我立志做个家庭煮夫的梦想才行。现在我只要学会普通话,搬去中国,一切就都OK了!
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