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故事可以带领人们进入你的世界,让他们更愿意投资你和你的品牌。菲利普-帕特是著名的走钢丝艺人。他曾在上世纪70年代在纽约世贸中心双子塔之间表演高空走钢丝。他认为其他走钢丝人一直试图将走钢丝搞得看上去很难。但他却希望成为“空中诗人”,让走钢丝看上去轻松无比。尽管没有用言语讲述,但却是在讲述一则故事。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

Testing Ideas In The Market


Everybody has a bias to think their own idea is brilliant. [Achievers] roll it out in an environment that’s as close as possible to the market. Bill Gross, serial entrepreneur, always tests before he invests. When he had an idea for an online car dealer, CarsDirect, no one was sure if people would actually buy a car from a Web site. He decided to put up a test site to see what would happen. Before they had any inventory, they’d sold four cars and had to shut down the site. On the upside, Gross then knew for a fact there was a market for the service.


Practicing Patience


Inaction, or stillness, can sometimes be just as useful as action. The importance of patience was a primary theme among the super-achievers–whether it’s strategically waiting for the best time to make a move or continuing to pursue a larger vision without receiving immediate rewards. Jill Tarter, a director of the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), has been searching for life on other planets for the last 50 years without any guarantee of success.


Pursuing Happiness


Success fuels happiness, and happiness in turn fuels greater success. Jennings, “the winningest game-show champion in history,” said once he became a contestant on a game show, it filled his entire life with passion. That happiness helped him win, and winning ended up giving him the confidence he needed to pursue a career he loved: writing. Seeking happiness in your life and work turns out to be a win-win.


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·三十而立太晚 二十几岁才是人生的关键

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