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Stay warm and classy(优等的) at the same time with a good coat. (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com)

Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Thinkstock

3: Classy Coat

It's a common predicament(窘况): You've put together a jaw-dropping work ensemble(全体) only to keep it covered by a faded ski parka(派克大衣) during your morningcommute(通勤). Don't be afraid to share your style with thesubway(地铁). Pick up a properly styled coat toaccentuate(强调), rather than hide, your workwear(工作服).

A stylish(时髦的) coat is an easy way to highlight(突出) your figure, too. A belt(带) around the waist can do wonders for your curves(曲线), and if you want to feel taller, go for ahemline(底边) just above the knees. A trench(沟) or pea coat is your most trend-proof option -- and it'll keep you warm and dry at the same time.









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