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注:chastened,历经磨难、饱经沧桑的;ingredient此处转义“因素”。 (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)
34. A country’s legal responsibility toward genuine refugees should not be manipulated for political ends. 一个国家对真正的难民所承担的法律责任不应被政治目的所左右。 注:manipulate, 操纵。
35. The voter turnout was small and the margin tiny, in contrast to the previous election, hen the populist Party swamped the opposition, which was widely tout4ed as a pro-business lobby. 选民参选率很低,两党得票差额极小,这与上次选举形成对照:在上次选举中,平民当 以压倒多数的选票战胜了反对党,当时反对党被大事张扬地说成是商界利益代言人。 注:这个句子的结构比较复杂。为了把这些关系清楚地表示出来,我们重复了某些关键 词。例如which was widely touted as a pro-business lobby实际上是在说明上次选 举反对党何以一败涂地。Voter turnout, 选民参选率;pro-business lobby中的lobby 指资本主义国家的“院外游说集团”,此处转义“代言人”;pro-是“亲……的意 思”,如This is a pro-U.S. group. (这是一个亲美组织。); widely,广泛地,转 义为“大事张扬”;to be touted as 被吹嘘成。
36. He rose to prominence under the tutelage of a former prime minister, and is cosy with the main ministers. 他是在一位前总理的亲自调教下功成名就的,因此他同内阁主要部门首长谨慎相处。 注:看起来是并列句,但是两个句子的意思内含因果关系。To be cosy with,谨慎从事 ;main ministers,直译是“主要部长”。
37. The State Department countered the accusation with a lizard of statistics purporting to show improvement. 国务院用大量自称能说明工作有所改进的数据驳斥这一指责。 注:the State Department,专指美国国务院(相当于其他国家的外交部),我国国务 院的英文译名是the State Council;blizzard,原意是“暴风雨”、“大风雪”此处转 义; purporting to, 此处有“自称”的意思,如:This book purports to be an original work but it is actually a compilation. (这本书自称是原著,实际上编 撰而成的集子)
38. Talks between the two sides, brokered by the U.S. ambassador, have reached a stalemate. 由美国大使说合的双方谈判陷入僵局。 注:broker, 原意“经纪人”,作动词用时为“说合”、“调停”之义;reach (come to) a stalemate,陷入僵局。
39. Loopholes in the proposed tax law could mean that it is in for a bumpy ride when it goes before the Senate, and may even be quashed by a presidential veto. 建议中的税法漏洞百出,被参议院通过的前景十分艰难,即使通过,也有可能因总统否 决而无效。 注: a bumpy ride, 原意是“(乘车)颠簸不堪”;quash 是法律名词,意思是“撤 消”、“废止”、“宣布无效”等等。美国参、众两院分别是the Senate、House of Representatives; veto,否决权(n.)、否决(v.)。
40. The judiciary, not local tribunals, should have the last word in electoral disputes. 对于选举争议,只有政府司法部门而不是地方法庭才有裁决权。 注:the judiciary,一个国家的司法部或司法系统;tribunal,一般指审理特定案件的 法庭,如:military tribunal, 军事法庭。