Facebook笑话一则 |
日期:2012-02-05 03:15:11
Facebook Love My ex(前夫) and I had a very amicable(友好的) divorce(离婚). I know this because when I wrote the Facebook status Im getting a divorce, he was the first one to click Like. |
美国经典晚间脱口秀笑话 |
日期:2009-06-01 08:51:46
On his radio show yesterday, Rush Limbaugh called Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor a 'reverse racist.' I got to hand it to Limbaugh. That guy is a reverse genius. --Jimmy Fallon 在昨天的电台秀上,拉什林博把最高法院法官候选人索尼娅索托马约尔称作 |
英语幽默:roast pig 烤乳猪 |
日期:2008-03-11 02:19:17
roast pig A gentleman was invited for dinner. When he hurried there and sat down, he was happy to see a roast pig in front of his seat:Not bad, I am next to the pig. But then he noticed the angry fat lady sitting next to him. He faked a smile and ad |
笑话:I'd like a cheeseburger |
日期:2008-01-20 14:17:14
A man in a library walks up to the librarian and says, Hi, Id like a cheeseburger. The librarian says, Sir, this is a library. The man says, (whispering)Hi, Id like a cheeseburger. |
英语笑话中英对照 |
日期:2007-08-16 21:50:22
Anxious (着急) The wife says to the neighbor: My husband has not returned all the night; I do not know where he went . It really gives me a hangup(难以摆脱的烦恼,焦虑)! An insider(知情人) says: Let it be. Would you know where he went, I dare to s |
爆笑:中式英语吓倒老外 |
日期:2007-08-16 08:15:45
昨天来了个老外,进到办公室,前台小姐左看右看,大家都在打游戏,只有自己比较清闲,面带微笑地 前台小姐:Hello. 老外:Hi. 前台小姐:You have what thing? 老外:Can you speak english? 前台小姐:If I not speak english, I am speaking what? 老外:Can anyb |
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