英语语法 / 高阶语法 相关类别 : 基础语法 | 语法词典 |
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不定代词every,no,all,both,neither,nor |
日期:2007-07-21 21:32:36
1)不定代词有 all , both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few, much, many, another, other, some, any , one, no 以及some, something, anything, everything, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nothing , nobody, no one, none, everybody, ever |
最常拼错的五十个单词 |
日期:2007-07-10 20:20:29
常拼错的英文单词 下列是学生英文作文中常见拼错的五十个单词,有此标志(*)者表示一所位于英国喜利列岛(Isles of Scilly)的综合中学(comprehensive school)的学生也会拼错,我曾经在该校实习(school attachment),阅读很多学生的作文而发现的,当时正是英伦四月天,今 |
后面跟动名词的动词及词组 |
日期:2007-07-28 20:06:33
后面跟动名词的动词及词组 admit finish relish can t help advocate imagine resent get through appreciate include resist give up avoid keep risk go on consider mind suggest insist on defer miss leave off delay postpone phrases: look forward to deny pra |
布莱尔拼错「明天」三十年 |
日期:2007-07-28 20:03:02
英国首相布莱尔拼错英文「明天」一字已有三十年。 布莱尔是牛津大学毕业的高材生,但他在十一月二十三日则坦承不会拼tomorrow这个字。按tomorrow是英国教育部要求学童在十二岁之前必须认得的六百个单字之一。首相的认字水平成为全英国的笑谈。 最近布莱尔亲笔致函预祝 |
趣味英语语法问答 |
日期:2007-07-20 19:57:35
(1) 请问各位英文好手To be or not to be. . . . 的中文该怎么翻? 整句是To be, or not to be: that is the question.这是莎士比亚剧本「哈姆雷特」(音译)或「王子复仇记」(意译)第三幕、第一景中的一句话。用现代语言来说,就是:The problem of existence or nonexis |
英语语法常见问题(容易混淆的语法) |
日期:2007-07-10 19:46:46
(1) 那些动词后用原形动词(infinitive without to )? 动词后用原形动词(infinitive without to)的有: behold(12 世纪前用字,现代英文中极少用),bid, feel, have, hear, let, make, observe, perceive, see, watch, 另help后,可用to(英式英文)或不用to(美式英文)。 |
go + 动名词的用法 |
日期:2007-07-10 19:43:29
在某些词组中 Go 的后面跟动名词 (gerund),大多表示是休闲活动。 例如:My mother and my sister go shopping quite often. They go fishing every weekend after retirement. go bird watching 去赏鸟 go mountaineering 去爬山 go boating 去划船 go rock climbing |
倒装句的写法 |
日期:2007-07-10 19:40:44
A. When a sentence begins with an adverb negative in meaning: hardly, neither, nor, never, no, not, scarcely, seldom, nowhere, etc.(but not no one, nobody, etc. used as nouns) 1. He did not say a word in my favor. Not a word did he say in my favor. |
布什总统的常见语法错误 |
日期:2007-07-10 19:21:29
布什的文法 金 陵 辑 April 21, 2001 美国总统布什分不清楚主格与受格、单数与复数。 布什告诉记者,他和第一夫人箩拉讨论英国首相布莱尔和夫人来访一事。布什说: Laura and I are looking forward to having a private dinner with he and Mrs. Blair Friday night. |
啤酒知识小测 Beer Basics |
日期:2007-07-06 13:17:59
Beer Basics Click the answer button to see the answer. Beer is the world's best-selling ___ drink. a. alcohol b. alcoholic c. alcohols Answer b The process of making beer is called ___ . a. beering b. brewsing c. brewing Answer c The first recorded |
倒装句Inversion |
日期:2007-07-03 21:00:18
主语和谓语是句子的核心,它们之间有两种语序:一是主语在谓语之前称为自然语序(Natural Order);二是主语在谓语之后则称为倒装语序(Inverted Order)。而倒装语序中又有全部倒装(Full Inversion)和部分倒装(Partial Inversion)两种情况。 首先,在全部倒装的句 |
语法词汇大全 Grammar Glossary |
日期:2007-07-01 08:12:21
Grammar Glossary 语法词汇大全 This glossary provides definitions and discussions of grammatical and grammar-related terms. Examples are enclosed in angle brackets. abbreviation A shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole |
Applying KISS Principle in Writing |
日期:2007-06-24 23:22:37
I have added a new word to my vocabulary. Logorrhea. We've all been touched by it. What is it? The Word Spy defines it, excessive verbosity and long-windedness. Also know as verbal diarrhea. Basically, you'll see plenty of examples of logorrhea in o |
How To Write More Powerful Reports |
日期:2007-06-24 23:20:31
There is one key difference between reports and most other forms of business writing, and we get a hint of that in the word, report. Whereas with many other forms of written comms you can be a little creative and put your own slant on your words, in |
常见不规则动词表 |
日期:2007-04-26 19:49:21
be was.were been let let let beat beat beaten lie lay lain become became become light lit lit begin began begun lose lost lost bite bit bitten make made made blow blew blown mean meant meant break broke broken meet met met bring brought brought pay |
最没逻辑的英语拼写 |
日期:2007-04-09 13:05:13
误拼与误用标点 友人克莱尔-玛利(Clair-Marie)住在唐桥泉(Tunbridge Wells),或许是这一点的缘故,她坚持别人应把拼写搞对。有几次,她毫不犹豫甩掉了没有达到拼写要求的追求者。不过,即使你比克莱尔-玛利更能容忍拼写错误,看到报刊经销商橱窗的卡片上写着cook requr |
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