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-More like happy late year... it was new years 5 days ago. (来源:EnglishCN.com)

Work avalanche


When there is so much work piled on your desk, movement from under it is nearly impossible.


例句:Hey, pour me a drink! I worked up quite a thirst digging out from my work avalanche to get to happy hour.

Postsantum depression


The incredible letdown some folks experience when they realize Christmas is over

(typical Monday after Christmas office discussion)


例句:-Why is Michelle ragging it with me?

-It's not just you, she's got a bad case of postsantum depression.

Christmas tight


The period of time after Christmas and New Years where the clothes you wore prior to the holidays that fit well, all of a sudden are a little tighter than they should be.


例句:I got this new dress shirt for Christmas. I went to wear it with my favorite work pants, but they are a little Christmas tight now.

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·Heart Idioms 和“心”有关的成语-eat somebody's

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