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1 I go to school early in the morning. 我早上很早就去上学。
2 I walk to the bus station near my house. 我走到我家附近的车站。
3 I look back toward my apartment. 我回头看看我的公寓。
4 I wave to my mum and dad. 我向爸妈挥了挥手。
5 I walk down the street. 我沿着大街走。
6 I see a lot of people heading for the station. 我看到许多人往车站走。
7 I wait for the light to change. 我等信号灯变换。
8 I cross at the crosswalk. 我穿过人行道。
9 I cross against the light. 我不理会信号灯走过去。
10 I can't wait for the signal to turn green. 我等不及信号灯转为绿灯。
11 I cross at the intersection. 我穿过十字路口
12 I cross over the pedestrian overpass. 我走过人行天桥。
13 I'm out of breath from walking up and down the stairs. 我上下楼梯而喘不过气来。
14 I run to catch the bus. 我跑步赶乘汽车。
15 I look for my commutation ticket. 我找月票。
16 I wonder what time the next bus will come. 我不晓得下班车什么时候才会到。
17 I have to stand all the way. 我一路都得站着。
18 I'm squeezed in by the crowd. 我被人群挤扁了。
19 People are pushing me from all directions. 人们从四面八方挤过来。
20 I give my seat to an old woman. 我把座位让给一位老妇人。
21 Why don't young people offer their seats to old people? 为什么年轻人不给老人让座呢?
22 I was so absorbed in the book, I missed my stop. 我太专心看书而坐过站了。
23 I ask someone near the window to open it. 我请靠近车窗的人打开车窗。
24 It's such a pain to change buses three times. 要换三次车真痛苦。
25 It takes me one hour to commute to school. 我乘车上学需要一个小时。
26 There are lots of bikes parked illegally around here. 这里有许多自行车违规停放。
27 I get off the bus at my stop. 我在我那站下车。
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