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According to a recent survey from staffing and consulting firm Adecco, a majority of respondents said people are most productive when their workspace is clean, though some view messiness as a sign of being busy, and others see it as an indication of laziness. 招聘和咨询公司Adecco近期的一项调查显示,大多数受访者称,在整洁的工作环境中人们的工作效率最高。尽管有些人把杂乱视为工作忙碌的标志,但其他人会认为杂乱意味着懒惰。 (来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
4. Poor cubicle etiquette4. 不注意隔间礼仪
In offices with few doors and lots of cubicles, etiquette with regard to odors and noise is important。在门很少、隔间很多的办公室里,避免异味和噪音是很重要的。
Microwaving last night's fish dinner for lunch in your cubicle today is a no-no. And your co-workers can sense if you didn't clean up after bicycling to the office。千万不要在你的隔间里用微波炉热前一天晚上做的鱼。还有,如果你骑自行车到办公室之后不把自己收拾干净,你的同事们也能觉察得到。
But a loud talker may be the top offender. 'If you need to concentrate and somebody is yapping, it can affect your work,' says Margaret Fiester, operations manager for the human-resources knowledge center at the Society for Human Resource Management。不过头号大忌也许是说话声音太大。美国人力资源管理学会人力资源知识中心的营运经理玛格丽特·菲斯特说,“如果你需要集中注意力,但有人却在叽里呱啦说个不停,这就会影响你的工作。”
5. Not fitting in 与办公室文化格格不入
It's important to fit into an office culture. That can include how you dress, and what you say。融入办公室的文化是很重要的。办公室文化中包括你的着装和说话方式。
'I was in a meeting the other day and somebody dropped the S-bomb. The third time they did it, it became unprofessional,' Mr. Papas says。帕帕斯说,“前几天我开会的时候有人骂了句脏话。他们第三次说脏话的时候,就显得很不专业了。”
There's also a code of conduct for email. 'Maybe someone is overly brusque, or is always putting urgent or cc'ing everything,' Mr. Purdy says. 'Bcc is almost always a dangerous idea。发电子邮件也是有规矩的。珀迪说,“有的人可能过于生硬唐突,或者总是在电子邮件上标注紧急,或者什么都抄送。而密送在多数情况下都是一种危险的想法。”
'Transparency is important and it prevents you from seeming sneaky. If you are bcc'ing someone to get someone else in trouble, you are being the office jerk.'他说,“公开透明很重要──让你不至于显得鬼鬼祟祟的。如果你为了打某位同事的小报告而把邮件密送给某人,你就成了办公室里的混蛋。” |