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(来源:英语交友 http://friends.englishcn.com)
庆历四年春,滕子京谪守巴陵郡。越明年,政通人和,百废具兴,乃重修岳阳楼, 增其旧制,刻唐贤今人诗赋于其上,属予作文以记之。
予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖。衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯;朝晖夕 阴,气象万千;此则岳阳楼之大观也,前人之述备矣。然则北通巫峡,南极潇湘,迁 客骚人,多会于此,览物之情,得无异乎?
若夫霪雨霏霏,连月不开;阴风怒号,浊浪排空;日星隐耀,山岳潜形;商旅不 行,樯倾楫摧;薄暮冥冥,虎啸猿啼;登斯楼也,则有去国怀乡,忧谗畏讥,满目萧 然,感极而悲者矣。
至若春和景明,波澜不惊,上下天光,一碧万顷;沙鸥翔集,锦鳞游泳,岸芷汀 兰,郁郁青青。而或长烟一空,皓月千里,浮光跃金,静影沈璧,渔歌互答,此乐何 极!登斯楼也,则有心旷神怡,宠辱皆忘,把酒临风,其喜洋洋者矣。
嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲,居庙堂 之高,则忧其民;处江湖之远,则忧其君。是进亦忧,退亦忧;然则何时而乐耶?其 必曰:先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐欤!噫!微斯人,吾谁与归! |
In the spring of fourth year of Qingli, TengZijing was exiled to Balingjun , to be the profect there. In the second year of his office, because of his excellent administration,people lived in peace and contentment, and all previous neglected matters were taken care of. The YueYang tower was renovated and enlarged, and described on its walls were the poetries and rhymed prose of Tang and present dynasty. I was invented to record this restoration effect in writing. The beauty of Baling center round the Dongting lake, which holds the mountain ranges in the distance and swallows the water of the yangtz river.It so vast and mighty that it seems boundness.. dazzling in the morning sun and fading in the grew evening mist, it offers a myriad scenes , this is the magnificent view of yueyang tower commanded. Of which many describtions hava been written. The beauty scenic spot is linked with the Wu gorge in the north and Xiao and xiang rivers in the south. Exiled officials and |
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