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(来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

In May, French astronomers identified Gliese 581d, pronounced “gleezer”, which is far closer at around 20 light years away.


It is about six times the mass of Earth and is one of a family of at least six planets.


In August, a team from Switzerland reported that another planet called HD 85512b and 36 light years away seemed to be habitable.

今年八月,来自瑞士的一个研究团队报告称他们发现了另一个疑似宜居行星“HD 85512b”,距离地球36光年。

The planet is in the constellation of Vela, measures around 3.6 times the Earth's mass.


According to an online catalogue that indexes bodies outside our solar system by the Planetary Habitability Laboratory (PHL) of the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, a total of 47 exoplanets and exomoons are potential habitable candidates but not enough research has been done to be sure.


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