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我们再来给大家介绍两个以dry这个字为主的习惯用语。第一个是:High and dry. High就是高,dry 就是干。要是一个人处于high and dry的局面,那他就是面临难以解决的困难,又没有任何人给予帮助。High and dry这个说法是怎么来的也不难想像。你要是乘船出游,而你的船在浅水的沙洲上搁浅了。等到潮水退了,你的船就在那高出水面的沙滩上没法动,周围既没有一点水,也没有任何人。这就是high and dry。下面是一个例子。这是一个人在告诉他的朋友他去参加一个聚会的情况。 (来源:英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

例句1: Everybody had fun at Sally's party. But when it came time to clean up the mess, all the guests left in a hurry and Sally was left high and dry, to do all the work by herself.



一般来说,美国人的时间概念是比较强的。跟朋友约会,到约定的时间就应该到指定的地点。要是去参加一个聚会,晚到五分钟,十分钟那倒还可以,因为有时候车辆拥挤,难以控制。这是可以理解的。但是,要是太晚了就不好了。另外要注意的一点是,参加一个聚会最好不要早到,因为举办一个聚会有许多准备工作要做,最后一分钟往往是最紧张的时刻,所以你要是早到,对主人来说是很不方便的。下面我们再来举一个high and dry的例子。这是一个人在埋怨他的朋友。

例句2: John, Jack and Mary all urged me to give a big party to celebrate my promotion. They promised to help out with the preparation. But so far they've done nothing saying they are too busy. It seems that I've been left high and dry and have to do all the work by myself.



我们在这次节目里要讲的第二个习惯用语是:Dry up. Dry up这个说法有几种不同的用法。其中之一是叫某人闭嘴,不要再说了。当然,这是不太礼貌的说法。我们来举一个例子。

例句3: Oh, why don't you dry up. I'm sick and tired of hearing you complain all the time! If you don't like the job, why don't you go out and look for another one. It's not that you don't have a choice.

这人说:喂,你得了,别说了,行吗? 你没完没了地抱怨,我都听的烦死了。要是你不喜欢这个工作,你干吗不出去再另外找一个工作。你又不是没有选择的余地。



我们刚才说了,dry up这个常用语用在不同场合有不同的含义。上面的解释是叫某人不要再说了。另外一个解释是,非常快的消失,就像一杯水倒在很热的沙滩上。这当然是很形像的比喻。其实,dry up在生活其他方面也都适用。下面就是一个例子。

例句4: After he lost the election Senator Blank had two months left in his term. But he saw his political power dry up over night as people know very well that he'll be out of the picture soon.


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·American Idioms 235 - Dry run / Cut and dried
·American Idioms 237 - in the doghouse / betwee
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·American Idioms 241 - the time of one's life

上一篇:American Idioms 235 - Dry run / Cut and dried  
下一篇:American Idioms 237 - in the doghouse / between a rock and a hard place
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