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            His story turned out to be false.  他所说的话经证明是假的。
           And then it turned out that (that 可省略) he didn’t.  后来证明他并没有。
           (见p. 2150, 五南英汉活用辞典)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)





英国音是用 DJ (Daniel Jones 1881 – 1967 英国语音学家)音标(phonetic symbols)。

美国音是用K.K.(John S. Kenyon 与 Thomas A. Knott美国语言学家)音标。

IPA 是International Phonetic Alphabet(国际音标,即英国音标)。

RP 是 Received Pronunciation 的缩写,译为「可接受的发音」,即英国国家广播公司(BBC)的英语,可谓标准英语,但仍谦称为「可接受的发音」。



Q: It's nice to know that you are so diligent about your studying and learning English.
请问为何study要加ing 加了ing 的意思和词性有何不同呢?
还有这一句:There is no secret formula for learning English quickly.

A: 在介系词后的动词都要加 ing 成为动名词。顾名思义,它具有动词和名词两种性质。具有动词的性质,所以才有受词English.

English. formula是方法,for learning English quickly, 加 ing 的理由相同,又因为具有动词的性质,所以用副词 quickly修饰 learning.



"on the go"是什么意思呢?


A: 意思是 active and busy(活跃与忙碌)
例如:Though he is more than sixty years old, he is healthy and happy.
Believe or not, he is on the go almost every day.




A:   从前的学生都要背诵很多英文短文,所以他们的英文作文不但好,而且因为背诵了很多某一位作家的文章,作文老师可看出他们受那一位作家影向,现在的学生没空背诵英文短文,所以书店也不出版这类的书。


请问 “….”怎么念?

这个符号 “….”是英文标点符号,它叫 quotation marks, 中文译为引号,但中文引号是用「……。」我们书写英文,引用他人的话时用“….”
例如:He said, "I'm a college student."
例如:He said quote I'm a college student unquote.






A.     Do not put new wine into old bottles.



例如:出殡时奏舞曲(To play dance music at a funeral)。所以引申的意义是:



本句出处是圣经马太福音第九章第十七节(Matthew, ix, 17)。






A. In titles, prepositions, articles, and conjunctions are not capitalized.
例如:The title of his composition is "My Life in the United States.
注意:Prepositions of more than four letters are frequently capitalized in titles.
例如:The title of his composition is "On Reading Between the Lines.(言外之意,或弦外之音)  "摘录自p.68, Practical English Grammar and Rhetoric.



Q. 请问一下,有一个题目是Give the present to _____ you think can speak English

fluently.答案是whoever可是为什么不能用who呢?麻烦大家告诉我 谢谢!

A. who 是主格,而 to是介系词,后面要跟受格 whom. whoever=the man who

所以要用 whoever, 也就是Give the present to the man who (you think) can speak

English fluently. (the man 做 to 的受词,who做 can speak的主词)。)

此外还有whomever=the man whom

例如:Give the present to whomever you like=Give the present to
 the man whom you like. (the man 做 to 的受词,whom做 like的受词)。


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