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  There must be few questions on which responsible opinion is so utterly divided a s on that of how much sleep we ought to have. There are some who think we can le ave the body to regulate these matters for itself. "The answer is easy," says Dr . A. Burton. "With the right amount of sleep you should wake up fresh and alert five minutes before the alarm rings." If he is right many people must be undersl eeping, including myself. But we must remember that some people have a greater i nertia than others.This is not meant rudely. They switch on slowly, and they a re reluctant to switch off. They are alert at bedtime and sleepy when it is time  to get up, and this may have nothing to do with how fatigued their bodies are, or how much sleep they must take to lose their fatigue.? (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  Other people feel sure that the present trend is towards too little sleep. To qu ote one medical opinion, thousands of people drift through life suffering from the effects of too little sleep; the reason is not that they can't sleep. Like a dvancing colonists, we do seem to be grasping ever more of the land of sleep for our waking needs, pushing the boundary back and reaching, apparently, for a poi nt in our evolution where we will sleep no more. This in itself, of course, need  not be a bad thing. What could be disastrous, however, is that we should press too quickly towards this goal, sacrificing sleep only to gain more time in which  to jeopardize our civilization by actions and decisions made weak by fatigue.? Then, to complete the picture, there are those who believe that most people are persuaded to sleep too much. Dr H. Roberts, writing in Every Man in Health, asse rts: "It may safely be stated that, just as the majority eat too much, so the ma jority sleep too much." One can see the point of this also. It would be a pity t o retard our development by holding back those people who are gifted enough to w ork and play well with less than the average amount of sleep, if indeed it does them no harm. If one of the trends of evolution is that more of the life span i s to be spent in gainful waking activity, then surely these people are in the va n of this advance.?

  74.    The author seems to indicate that___.?

  A.    there are many controversial issues like the right amount of sleep?

  B.    among many issues the right amount of sleep is the least controversial?

  C.    people are now moving towards solving many controversial issues?

  D.    the right amount of sleep is a topic of much controversy among doctors?

  75.    The author disagrees with Dr. Burton because___.?

  A.    few people can wake up feeling fresh and alert?

  B.    some people still feel tired with enough sleep?

  C.    some people still feel sleepy with enough sleep?

  D.    some people go to bed very late at night ?

  76.    In the last paragraph the author points out that___.?

  A.    sleeping less is good for human development?

  B.    people ought to be persuaded to sleep less than before?

  C.    it is incorrect to say that people sleep too little?

  D.    those who can sleep less should be encouraged ?

  77.    We learn from the passage that the author___.

  A.    comments on three different opinions?

  B.    favours one of the three opinions?

  C.    explains an opinion of his own?

  D.    revises someone else's opinion ?

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