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Know what I mean? Doesn’t he look like a guy? He looks like a guy we ought to have a joke about, (来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

But I don’t … he looks like that guy who was here last week. And this is just crazy.

Since last week, President Clinton’s approval has gone up ten points. That’s unbelievable, isn’t it?

I’m telling you, ladies and gentleman,

If this man’s popularity gets any higher, we’ll be having sex in public. You know?

Right out there in the Lawn of the White House, for God’s sake. Forget the windowless corridor.

Yes, sir. It’s mambo night. Ladies and gentleman. Hey, we got a pretty good show, you know, ladies and gentleman?

It’s nice being in the Theatre. Isn’t it nice? It’s cozy in here. You get a free … very entertaining man, in the middle of a second great career.

The first career as a fine, fine actor, Charles Grodin, and now, he’s a talk show host over there at MSNBC.

He’s on the program tonight. Our old friend Charles Grodin. Another old friend of mine, very funny man,

From “the Wayans Brothers” over there on the WB, John Witherspoon. Pops is here. Old pops.

Paul: Pops is here?

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