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     By toby chen

1   否定的范围
1.1 否定范围的确定
(1) I definitely didn't speak to him.
    =It is definite that I did not speak to him.
(2) I didn't definitely speak to him.
    =It is not definite that I spoke to him.
1.2 情态助动词的否定
1.2.1  助动词包括在否定之内:
(3) You can't be serious.
    =It is not possible that you are serious.
(4) You may not go swimming.
    =You are not allowed to go swimming.
1.2.2  助动词不包括在否定之内:
(5) They may not bother to come if it is wet.
    =It is possible that they will not bother to come... (来源:EnglishCN.com)
1.3 状语的否定
(6) I wasn't listening all the time.
    =For the whole time,I wasn't listening.
(7) I wasn't listening all the time.          
    =It is not true that I was listening all the time.

2  否定的转移
(8) I didn't go because I was afraid.
    (a) 我怕所以我没有去。
    (b) 我不是因为怕才去的。
2.1 否定转移到状语(从句)或补语
(9) The craft did not crash because of engone failure.
(10) Genetic engineering is not developing fast enough.
2.2 否定转移到宾语从句
(11) They do not consider thatpure science is more important than applied science.
2.2.1 作“料想”、“想到”解时
(12) I'm not anticipating that such a simple experiment will go wrong.
2.2.2 用于祈使句或有副词修饰
(13) Don't think you've survived the earthquake.
(14) I simply don't think you'll tell me the truth.
2.3 由all,both,every,any及其合成词等表示全体意义的词作主语时,一般否定转移到主语,这就是常说的部分否定。
(15) Every Chinese family is not able to afford a college student.
2.4 由feel,seem,taste,appear,look等感官动词与形容词表语构成合成谓语时,否定转移到表语。
(16) I don't feel well these days.
2.5 由绝对否定词neither,none(of),no及其合成词充当或修饰主、宾、状语时,转移为对谓语的否定。
(17) She was aware of having done nothing wrong.
(18) She drew back no further than the door.

3 否定的表达
3.1 语法结构引起的否定
3.1.1 反意疑问句
(19) Am I my brother's keeper?
3.1.2 条件从句
(20) I'll be hanged if I'll go.
3.1.3 虚拟语气句
(21) You might have come earlier.
3.1.4 感叹句
(22) To think that he has become a president!
3.1.5 肯定的比较句表示否定
(23) You ought to know better than to do that sort of thing.
3.2 修辞引起的否定
(24) He will pay his debts when two Sundays come together.
3.3 习惯用法引起的否定
    (a) all Greek,double Dutch
(25) His talk was double Dutch (=all Greek) to me.
    (b) far from,a far cry from
(26) It is far from true.
    (c) the last
(27) He is the last man I wanted to see.
    (d) above,beyond,superior
(28) He is above telling a lie.
(29) This problem is quite beyond me.
(30) She was totally superior to flattery.
    (e) 与but有关的短语anything but,all but
(31) This bridge is anything but safe.
(32) The boy all but fell into the well.

4 否定应注意事项
4.1 由since引导的时间状语从句
(33) He has written to me frequently since I was ill.
(34) We haven't had any trouble since we have lived here.
(35) How long is it since you were in London?
4.2 与too有关的短语
    too...to短语一般表示否定,但前面如有only too...to和too ready...to中表示肯定。
    (a) too...to
(36) English is not too difficult to learn.
     (b) only too...+不定式   too ready+不定式
(37) I am only too glad to do so.
(38) She is too ready to speak.

5 参考文献
[1] 钱歌川.  翻译的技巧.  商务印书馆. 1982.
[2] 伦道夫·夸克.  当代英语语法.  辽宁人民出版社.  1985.
[3] 章振邦.  新编英语语法.  上海译文出版社.  1983.
[4] 贾德江.  英语含蓄否定的表达方式及其翻译. 中国科技翻译.
[5] 李鲁.  否定转移及其语义与语用翻译.  中国科技翻译.
[6] 蒲华林.  试论转移否定的理解与翻译.  中国科技翻译.

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