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李华在房门上发现一张纸条,可是字体写的很潦草,看不清写的是什么,也不知道是谁写的。今天李华会学到两个常用语:gibberish和google。 (来源:EnglishCN.com)

LH: Larry,你能不能帮我看看这张字条上到底写些什么?

LL: I can't read it, either. It looks like gibberish to me. Are you sure someone didn't leave it as a joke?

LH: 为什么有人要跟我开玩笑留这张字条?你说这看来像gibberish。那是什么语言?

LL: Gibberish means language that doesn't make any sense.

LH: Gibberish就是写得乱七八糟,没有人看得懂的意思。那不就是胡言乱语吗?为什么有人要写这张奇怪的字条,还放在我门上呢?

LL: I don't know. That doesn't make any sense to me.

LH: 我想这字条应该很重要,不然这个人不会千里迢迢到我的楼里,在我门上留下这张字条。

LL: Well, it wasn't important enough for them to write in plain English. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

LH: 那倒也是,要是很重要,这个人应该写清楚一点嘛!我只希望这个留字条的人不要认为我没礼貌,不给他回复。

LL: Hey, it's not your fault that the note was all gibberish. Besides, if it's really important, whoever it is will try to contact you again.

LH: 没错,如果真有什么重要的事,这个人会再和我联系的。对了,Larry,你知道我还在哪里见过这种写得乱七八糟的东西吗?

LL: No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me.

LH: 一些美国人喜欢在身上刺中文刺青或穿带有中文字的衣服。可是有时候这些中文根本就不对,看不清是什么字。所以也算是gibberish。

LL: Yeah, I've seen people do that, too. But the truth is, I saw the same thing in China: People would wear clothes with English writing on them that was pure gibberish.

LH: 嘿嘿,这真有意思。我想都是因为大家对外国语言似懂非懂吧?


LH: Larry,又有人在我门上留条了,不过这一次,还有个公司商标在上面。你听说过一个叫West的公司吗?

LL: No, I've never heard of it, but you can find out what sort of company it is by googling it.

LH: 你要我做什么?Google?那是什么意思?

LL: You know that there is an internet search engine called Google, right?

LH: 我当然知道因特网的搜索引擎Google。中文叫古狗网站,我经常用。

LL: Well, people use it so often, that now it has become a verb meaning to do an internet search using Google.

LH: 噢,因为大家经常用古狗网来查询,所以现在google已经成了一个动词,意思是上网用古狗网查资料或信息!你是要我上网去google一下,查查这家公司?

LL: That's my advice. It will only take a minute. Googling stuff is so convenient. I can't imagine what life was like before Google.

LH: 就是啊,要是从前找一家公司,不知道要花多少时间翻电话本,现在只要上网,一下子就找到了。

LL: Sometimes when you google something, you get a lot of unnecessary information, but you can look through it relatively quickly.

LH: 没错,我刚开始google的时候,我总觉得不到点上。现在我看谁都得google,因为它实在是很方便。好,我现在就上网来看看这家West公司到底是做什么的。

LL: Good luck. I hope you get an answer to the question of who has been leaving mysterious notes full of gibberish on your door.


LL:Oh, google is so easy, you won't have any problems.


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