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由rope这个词发展而来的习惯用语还真不少。前两次已经学了好几个。今天让我们再来讲两个用法。第一个是: on the ropes。这个习惯用语可能来自拳击赛。频频挨打的拳击手在对方的步步相逼下,退到赛台边缘,只能靠在赛台四周的绳索上;也就是on the ropes, 尽量避免被击倒甚至被击败。要是一名选手on the ropes,那他就是被逼到十分窘迫的地位、濒临失败了。 (来源:英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

大约从六十年代起人们开始把on the ropes应用到生活中的其它场合。我们马上要听个例子。它说的是某地区新开一家大超级市场,附近小杂货铺的生意因而大受影响。好,我们来听这段话吧。注意里面用的 on the ropes 是什么意思。

例句-1:When this big market opened, it cut prices and offered more variety of foods. Most of the small shops were on the ropes in a short time and some have already closed.


所以on the ropes意思是处境岌岌可危。我们再来听个例子。这是个好心人想对处境不佳的Bob伸出友谊之手。

例句-2:We ought to do something to cheer Bob up. He's really on the ropes these days. He didn't get a promotion, and a few days later his wife fell ill and is still in the hospital.

他说: 我们该去给Bob打打气。他最近可真不顺利,先是没得到提升,过几天他太太又病倒了。

这儿on the ropes意思还是处于极不顺利的境地。


我们再来学一个习惯用语: Give one enough rope to hang oneself。 Hang在这儿的意思是上吊,give one enough rope to hang oneself 照字面意思来说是给某人够长的绳子让他去上吊,也就是促使某人自取灭亡。当然在现实生活中应用这个习惯用语是取它的象征意义。


例句-3:We all agree we don't want Sally on this new project. But instead of firing her directly, let's let her struggle with all the problems. Maybe we'll give her enough rope to hang herself.


所以give one enough rope to hang oneself意思就是促使某人自己败下阵去。这种以逸待劳,令对方充分暴露缺点以至不战自败的策略也是政界人物的惯用技俩。例如有一种手法是让政敌在会上大谈特谈,使其漏洞百出、不击自破。


例句-4:We could ask the chairman to limit debate. But let's give this guy enough rope to hang himself. Let him talk as long as he wants - the longer he talks the more votes he'll lose.


所以这儿give this guy enough rope to hang himself意思是让那家伙自我暴露弱点、不击自破。

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·American Idioms 326 - rope sb. in / at the end
·American Idioms 328 - fight tooth and nail...
·American Idioms 325 - learn the ropes
·American Idioms 324 - dog tired / go to the do
·American Idioms 323 - go bananas / compare ora
·American Idioms 322 - not playing with a full
·American Idioms 321 - go to pot / sweeten the
·American Idioms 320 - thin air / come up for a
·American Idioms 319 - fish or cut bait / fishi

上一篇:American Idioms 326 - rope sb. in / at the end of one's rope  
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