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今天我们要讲的习惯用语里有一个共同的词ace。打扑克的人都知道,最大的牌就是ace。有了ace,你就胜券在握,你轻易不会出ace,而是备而不用,要把好钢用在刀刃上。这样就产生了下面我们要讲的两个习惯用语。第一个是:ace in the hole。Ace in the hole这个习惯用语来自一种扑克游戏。每人发五张牌,四张摊在桌面上。一张是暗牌,只有得牌的人才可以瞄一眼。这张暗牌就叫做the hole card。如果你的hole card是ace,那就意味着你有了秘密的杀手锏,要到一决胜负的最后关头才出。Ace in the hole虽然来自扑克牌游戏,却被沿用到生活的各方面,包括政界。我们马上就要听这样一个例子。 (来源:www.EnglishCN.com)

例句-1:Jack will win because he has a real ace in the hole - it's still a secret but the Governor will support him publicly next week and that means a lot more votes.


所以ace in the hole意思是秘藏的法宝,也就是强大的备用力量。


我们要学的第二个习惯用语和刚才学的ace in the hole很相似。它是: an ace up your sleeve。Sleeve意思是袖子。玩牌的人如果把一张好牌塞在袖管里,他的目的是拿这张牌来换牌从而取胜,但是他的手段既不合游戏规则又不光明正大。这就是an ace up your sleeve和ace in the hole不同的地方;ace in the hole 虽然是暗牌,但是合乎游戏规则,而an ace up your sleeve却是暗中藏牌欺骗作弊了。


例句-2:I believe we'll win your case. Unless the lawyer on the other side has an ace up his sleeve and has bribed a witness to give false testimony, or something like that: this man is known for his cheating.


所以an ace up his sleeve在这儿解释“取胜的手段花招”。


我们再来学一个来自扑克游戏的习惯用语: within an ace of winning。Within an ace of winning从字面解释是要有一张ace就赢了。比方说,你先发到的牌是两张九接着又来了两张ace,形势看来大好。你知道如果再拿到一张ace,你就必胜无疑了,但是事与愿违,你最后到手的是一张四,而对方手头却有三张K。这一来你就功亏一篑,败在他的手下。这就是习惯用语within an ace of winning就出自这儿,但是它被广泛应用在商界等其它方面。让我们听个例子。这是一个中学的女篮教练在全州锦标赛结束后对记者发表的谈话。

例句-3: I'm proud of our girls because nobody thought they had a chance and we came within an ace of winning the game. It was that last-second basket that beat us by just one point.


可见within an ace of winning意思就是功亏一篑,几乎取得成功。

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