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今天我们要讲的两个习惯用语都是表达速度非常快的意思。它们都很生动,也很形像。当你给别人讲故事的时候,你往往会想用一些有色彩的词汇来使你的故事更加生动。一百五十多年前,当美国人向西部开发的时候,那些打先锋的拓荒者在荒野生活很单调。他们只好轮流讲故事,用一些夸张的词汇来引别人发笑。 (来源:www.EnglishCN.com)

我们今天要讲的两个习惯用语就是来自这个传统。当然,那时用的一些词汇已经流传到今天成为人们常用的习惯用语了。下面我们来讲第一个习惯用语。Like greased lightning. Greased就是上了油的。那就是很滑溜的意思;lightning就是闪电。闪电是自然界速度最快的一种现象。别忘了,这里讲的还只是一般的闪电,上了油的闪电当然是幽默性的夸张,但是要是确实存在的话,那它肯定会比一般闪电更加快的。我们现在来举一个例子。这是一个人在跑马厅评论一匹马。

例句1: I never saw a faster horse in my life. He ran like greased lightning all the way from the starting gate to the finish line and he broke the track record by more than three seconds.




例句2: Walking home I looked up and got out of the way quick - here came this black cat running like greased lightning and right behind him was this big dog chasing him so closely.




我们再来给大家介绍一个描写速度很快的习惯用语。Like a bat out of hell. Bat就是:蝙蝠。Hell就是:地狱。Like a bat out of hell按字面翻成中文就是:就像一只从地狱里飞出来的蝙蝠。发明这个说法的人可能是想像一只蝙蝠在扑打着翅膀,竭尽全力地飞,以逃避地狱之火。Like a bat out of hell现在可以用在各个方面。下面我们要举的两个例子就能说明问题。第一个例子是一群孩子在打篮球,一不小心把旁边住家的玻璃窗打破了。这房子里的主人说:

例句3: As soon as I heard the glass break, I ran out to try to catch who had done it. But the kid ran away like a bat out of hell, so I'll have to pay for new glass myself.



刚才举的那个例子是说小孩犯了错误生怕受到惩罚而赶紧逃跑。我们再给大家举一个 like a bat out of hell的例子。这是一个参加过二次世界大战的人在说他死里逃生的情况。

例句4: We were marching on this road to the front when this German fighter plane came over the hill ahead of us like a bat out of hell. We were lucky: he was flying so low and so fast he didn't even see us. And he was gone before we could even turn our heads.


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上一篇:American Idioms 224 - Butterfingers / Butterball  
下一篇:American Idioms 226 - Slow Burn / Slow As Molasses
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