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120 Million一亿二千万;Change The World改变世界;The Hollow Man空心人;Jews Without Money没在钱的犹太人(自传体小说)
戏剧:Hoboken Blues;Fiesta节日;Battle Hymn歌;Prletarian Literature in the United States美国无产阶级文学选集(与人合编)
Tulips anddd Chimneys郁金香与烟囱;The Enormous Room大房间;XLI   Poems诗41首;Viva万岁;No,  Thanks不,谢谢;Collected Poems诗集;Eimi爱米(访苏游记)
Travel in  Two Democracies在两个民主国家里旅行;To the Finland Station到芬兰站去;A Piece of My Mind:Reflection at Sixty心里话:行年六十的沉思;Axel’s Castle阿克塞尔的城堡(象征主义批判的圭阜);The Ttriple Thinkers三重思想家;The Wound and The Bow创伤与箭;The Shores of Light光明之岸;The Fruits of the MLA现代语言协会的成果
The Three Soldiers;Manhattan Transfer;U.S.A(The Forty-second Parallel;1919;The Big Money);District of Columbia哥伦比亚大区(The Adventures of a Young Man一个年轻人的冒险;Number One第一号;The Grand Design伟大的计划);Orient Express东方特别快车(游记)
The Side of Paradise人间天堂;The Beautiful and the Damned美丽的和倒霉;The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比;Tender in the Night夜色温柔;The Last Tycoon最后的巨头
短篇小说:Flappers and Philosophers姑娘们和哲学家们;Tales of the Jazz爵士时代的故事;Taps at Reveille早晨的起床号→The Ice Palace冰宫;May Days五一节;The Diamond as Big as the Ritz像里茨饭店那样大的钻石;Winter Dreams冬天的梦;The Rich Boy富家子弟;Babylon Revisted重访巴比伦敦             The Crack-up崩溃(自传体文集)
The Marble Faun云石林神(诗集);Soldiers’ Pay兵饷(小说)
短篇小说:Dry September干燥的九月;The Sound and the Fury愤怒与喧嚣;As I lay dying当我垂死的时候;Light in August八月之光;Absalom,Absolam押沙龙,押沙龙(家世小说)
译作:法国安德烈·纪德Andre Gide的Imaginary Interview虚构的会议
诗集:Blue Juniata;The Dry Season;The Exile’s Return流亡者的回归(研究“迷惘的一代”的专著);A Second Flowering第二次繁荣(The Other War另一种战争) (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)
In Our Time在我们的年代里;The Torrents of Spring春潮;The Sun Also Rises太阳照样升起;Farewell to Arms永别了,武器;For Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣
短篇小说:Men Without Women没有女人的男人;The Winners Take Notheing胜者无所获;The Fifth Column and First Forty-nine Stories第五纵队与首次发表的四十九个短篇
政论:To Have and Have Not贫与富    回忆录:A Moveable Feast到处逍遥
My Grandfather’s Love Letters祖父的情书;Praise for an Urn瓮颂;For the Marriage of Faustus and Hellen为浮士德和海伦的婚姻而作;Voyage航海;The Bridge桥(长诗);White Buildings白色的楼房(首部诗集)
Look Homeward,Angel天使,望乡→(续)Of Time and the River时间与河流;The Web and the Rock蛛网与岩石;You Can’t Go Home Again有家归不得;The Hills Beyond远山(未完成)
短篇小说:From Death to Morning从死亡到早晨
Mulatto混血儿(剧本);The Weary Blues疲倦的歌声;Dear Lovely Death亲爱的死神;Shakespear in Harlem哈莱姆的莎士比亚;I Wonder as I Wander我漂泊我思考;The Best of Simple辛普尔精选
Cup of Gold金杯;Tortilla Flat煎饼房;In Dubious Battle胜负未定;Of Mice and Men鼠和人;The Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄;The Moon is Down月亮下去了;Cannery Row罐头厂街;The Pearl珍珠
短篇小说:The Red Pony小红马(The Gift,The Great Mountains大山;The Promise许诺,The Leader of the People人们的领袖)
The Dream Life of Balso Snell巴尔索·斯纳尔的梦幻生涯;The Day of Locust蝗灾之日;Miss Lonelyhearts寂寞小说
Studs Lonigan斯塔兹·朗尼根(Young Lonigan少年朗尼根;The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan朗尼根的青年时代,Judgement Day末日窝审判);Danny O’Neil丹尼·奥尼尔(五部曲);Bernard Carr伯纳德·卡尔(三部曲)
短篇小说:Calico Shoes花布鞋;Guillotine Party行刑队
文艺评论:A Note on Literary Criticism文艺评论札记;Literature and Morality文学与道德
The Children’s Hour孩子们的时光;The Little Foxes小狐狸;Watch on the Rhine守望莱茵河;The Searching Wind彻骨的风;The Autumn Garden秋园 ;Tos in the Attic阁楼里的玩具;The Days to Come未来的日子;Another Part of the Forest森林的另一处
回忆录:An Unfinished Wonman一个事业尚未终了的女人;Pentimento旧画新貌;Scoundrel Time邪恶的时代
Waiting for Lefty等待老左/勒夫特;Awake and Sing!醒来歌唱;Till the Day I Die直到我死的那天;Paradise Lost失乐园;Golden Boy金孩子;Clash by Night夜间冲突;The Big Knife大刀;The Country Girl乡村姑娘;The Flowering Peach开花的桃树
Uncle Tom’s Children汤姆叔叔的孩子们;Native Son土生子;Black Boy;黑孩子The Outsiders局外人;The Long Dream漫长的梦;Eight Men八人行
短篇小说:Death of a Travelling,Salesman巡回推销员之死;A Curtain of Green and Other Stories绿窗帘和其他;The Wide Net and Other Stories大网和其他故事;The Golden Apples金苹果;The Bridge of Innifallen英尼斯法伦的新娘
长篇小说:The Robber Bridgeroom强盗新朗;Detta Wedding德尔塔的婚姻;The Ponder Heart庞德的心;The Losing Battles失败的战斗;The Optismist’s Daughter乐观者的女儿
Lolita洛莉塔;Pale Fire微暗的火;The Admiralty Sprie海军部大厦塔尖
The Novel of Future未来的小说;Heida海达;House of Incest乱伦之家;Collages拼贴
Gimpel the Fool傻瓜吉姆佩尔;The Family Moskat莫斯卡特家族;Satan in Goray撒旦在戈雷;The Magician of Lublin卢布林的魔术师;The Slave奴隶;The Manor庄园;The Estate产业;Enenemies,A Love Story仇敌们,一个爱情故事;Shosha舒莎
短篇小说:The Spinoza of Market Street市场街的斯宾诺莎;A Friend of Kafka卡夫卡的朋友
Night Rider夜间骑士;At Heaven’s Gate在天堂门口;All King’s Men国王的全部人马;World Enough and Time足够的世界和时间;The Cave洞穴;Band of Angels天使的队伍;A Place to Come to归宿
诗集:Thirtysix Poems;Selected Poems1923-1943;Brother to Dragons;Promised:Poems1954-1956;You,Emperors and Others;Selected Poems New and Old 1923-1966;Elven Poems on the Same Themet;Incarnation Poem1966-1968显灵:1966-1968诗选;Now and Then:Poems 1976-1978此时与彼时1976-1978诗选
剧作:Proud Flesh骄傲的血肉之躯;Modern Rhetoric当代修辞学;Birth of Love爱之诞生(选自与Cleanth Brooks合编的  Understanding Poetry/Understanding Fiction)
逃亡者集团The Fugitive的宣言书I’ll Take My Stand我表明我的立场
American Blues美国的布鲁斯;Battle of Angels天使的战斗;The Glass Menagerie玻璃动物园;The Streetcar Named Desire欲望号街车;Cat on a Hot Tin Roof热铁皮屋顶上的猫;The Night of The Iguana鬣蜥之夜;Summer and Smoke夏与烟;The Rose Tattoo玫瑰纹;Sweet Bird of Yout可爱的青春鸟
短篇小说:The Expelled开除
短篇小说集:The Way Some People Live一些人的生活方式;The Enormous Radio and Other Stories巨型收音机和其他;The Housebreaker of Shaddy Hill and Other Stories绿茵山窃贼和其他;Some People,Places and Things That Will Not Appear in My Next Novel一些不会在我下一部小说中出现的人物、地点、事件;The Brigadier and the Golf Widow陆军准将和高尔夫迷寡妇;The World of Apples苹果世界→The Stories of John Cheever契弗短篇小说选
长篇小说:The Wapshot Chronicle/Scandal瓦普肖特纪事/丑闻;Bullet Park布利特公园;Falconer鹰猎者
Bury the Dead埋葬死者;Sailor off the Bremen不来梅港外的水手
长篇小说:The Young Lions幼狮;The Troubled Air混浊的空气;Lucy Crown露茜·克朗;Two Weeks in Another Town; Voices of a Summer Day夏日的喁喁声;Rich Man,Poor Man;Evening in Byzantium;Nightwork认夜工;Beggarman,Thief;Bread upon the Waters
长篇小说:Invisible Man看不见的人
散文集:Shadow and Act影子与行动;Going to the Territory步入文学界
长篇小说:The Natural天生运动员;The Assistant伙计;The Fixer装配工;A New Life新生活;God’s Grace上帝的恩赐        短篇小说:The Magic Barrel魔桶
诗集:Blood for a Stranger献给一个陌生人的血;Little Friend ,Little Friend小朋友,小朋友;Losses损失;Seven-league Crutches七里格长的拐杖;The Lost World失去的世界
小说:Pictures of an Institution学院小景;The Woman at the Washington Zoo华盛顿动物园的女人
评论:Poetry and the Age诗歌与时代;The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner旋转炮塔炮手之死
诗:Homage to Mrs Bradstreet献给布拉兹特里夫人;The Dream Songs梦之歌;Poems1942;The Dispossessed被剥夺者(The Ball Poem小球诗);77 Dream Songs;Berryman’s Sonnets;Short Poems;His Toy;His Dream;His Rest;Love and Fame;Delusion,etc错觉及其他
小说:Recovery复原       传记:Stephen Crane斯蒂芬·克莱恩
长篇小说:Dangling Man晃来晃去/挂起来的人;The Victim受害者;The Adventure of Augie March奥基·马奇历险记;Henderson the Rain King雨王汉德逊;Herzog赫索格;Mr Summlar’s Planet塞姆勒先生的行星;Humboldt’s Gift洪堡的礼物
中篇小说:Seize the Day且乐今朝
Situation Normal情况正常;The Man Who Had All the Luck吉星高照的人;All My Sons都是我的儿子;The Death of a Salesman推销员;The Crucible严峻的考验/萨姆勒的女巫;A View from the Bridge桥头眺望;A Memory of Two Mondays两个星期一的回忆;After the Fall堕落之后;Incident at Vichy维希事件 ;The Price代价;The Creation of the World and Other Business创世及其他;The Archbishop’s Ceiling大主教的天花板;The American Clock美国时钟
诗:Lord Weary’s Castle威尔利老爷的城堡;Life Studies人生探索
名篇:For Sale;Walking in the Blue;For the Union Dead献给联邦死难士→自白诗运动
短篇小说:The Young Folks年轻人     短篇小说集:Nine Stories故事九篇
中篇小说:Franny弗兰尼;Zooey卓埃;Raise High the Roof Beam,Carpenters木匠们,把屋梁升高;Seymour:An Introduction西摩其人
长篇小说:The Cather in the Rye麦田守望者
The Feminine Mystique女性的奥秘;It Changed My Life它改变了我的生活;The Second Stage第二阶段(How to get the Women’s Movement Moving Again)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X马尔科姆·艾克斯自传
The Town and the City镇和城;On the Road在路上;The Subterraneans地下居民;The Dharma Bums达摩的流浪者;Visions of Cody科迪的梦想;Doctor Sax萨克斯医生;Maggie Cassidy麦琪·卡西迪;Mexico City Blues墨西哥城的布鲁斯;Lonesome Traveller孤独的旅行者;Desolation Angels凄凉天使;Satori in Paris巴黎参禅记;Vanity of Duluoz杜卢奥斯的偏见
长篇小说:Player Piano自动钢琴;The Sirens of Titan泰坦族的海妖;Cat’s Craddle猫的摇篮;Slaughterhouse Five第五号屠场;Mother Night黑夜母亲;God Bless You,Mr Rosewater上帝保佑你,罗斯瓦特先生;Breakfast of Champions顶呱呱的早餐;Slapstick,or Lonesome No More滑稽剧,又名不再孤独;Jailbird囚犯;Deadeye Dick神枪手迪克
短篇小说集:Welcome to the Monkey House欢迎到猴房来(Report on the Barnhouse Effect关于巴恩豪斯效应的报告)
裸者与死者;Barbary Shore巴巴里海滨;The Deer Park廘苑;An American Dream一场美国梦;The White Negro白色黑人;Advertisement for Myself为自己做广告;Why Are We in Vietnam?我们为什么要去越南;The Executioner’s Song刽子手之歌;The Armies of the Night夜色幕下的大军(History as a Novel/The Novel as History)—非虚构小说;New Journalism新新闻报道
诗集:Into the Stone钻入石头;Drowning With Others跟别人一起淹死(The Lifeguard救生员);Helmets头盔;Buckdancer’s Choice班克舞者的选择;Poems1957-1967;The Iodiac黄道
诗论集:The Suspect in Poetry诗歌中的嫌疑犯;Babel to Byzatium从巴别尔到拜占庭
长篇小说:Catch-22第二十二条军规;Something Happened出了毛病;As Good as Gold像高尔德一样好               剧本:We Bombed in New Haven我们轰炸纽黑文;Catch-22;Clevinger’s Trial克莱文杰受审(据Catch-22第八章)
散文集:Note of  a Native Son土生子的笔记;Nobody Knows My Name;Fire Next Time下一次烈火;No Name in the Street他的名字被遗忘;The Devil Finds Work魔鬼找到工作
小说:Go Tell it on the Mountain向苍天呼吁;Giovanni’s Room乔万尼的房间;Another Country另一个国度;Tell Me How Long the Train’s Been Gone告诉我火车已开多久;If Beale Street Could Talk假如比尔能说话;Just Above My Head就在我头上
短篇小说集:Going to Meet the Man去见这个人
剧本:The Amen Corner阿门角;Blues for Mister Charley为查理先生唱布鲁斯/黑人怨;One Day When I was Lost有一天当我迷失的时候/迷路前后
长篇小说:Wise Blood慧血;The Violent Bear It Away它为强暴者所夺走
短篇小说集:A Good Man Is Hard to Find好人难寻;Everything That Rises Must Converg上升的一切必然汇合e
名文:Good Country People善良的乡下人;The Lame Shall Enter First跛腿者先进去;Greenleaf格林利夫;Revelation;Parker’s Back派克的背
Lie Down in Darkness躺在黑暗中;The Long March长途行军;Set This House on Fire放火烧屋;The Confessions of Nat Turner纳特·特纳的自白;Sophie’s Choice索菲的选择
诗集:Howl and Other Poems嚎叫及其他(America)(The Beat Generation垮掉的一代的宣言书和代表作);Kaddish and Other Poems卡第绪及其他;Plannet News行星消息;The Fall of America美国的衰弱
诗集:The Green Wall绿墙;Saint Judas圣徒犹大;The Tail and Eyes of a Lion狮子的尾巴和眼睛;The Branch Will Not Break树枝不会断;Shall We Gather at the River我们在河边聚会;Collected Poems;Two Citizens两位公民;Moments of the Italian Summer意大利之夏;To a Blossoming Pear Tree致盛开鲜花的梨树;This Journey;A Blessing祝福
The Zoo Story动物园的故事;The Death of Bessie Smith贝西·史密斯之死;The Sandbox沙箱;The American Dream美国梦;Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?谁害怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫;Tiny Alice小爱丽丝;A Delicate Balance脆弱的羊群;Seascape海景;The Lady from Dubuque来自杜布克的女人;The Man With Three Arms在臂人
I Have a Dream;Stride Toward Freedom迈向自由;Strength to Love爱的力量;Why We Can’t Wait?;Where Do We Go from Here,Chaos or Community?今后我们何去何从,纷争还是团结?
Riprap大卵石(Piute Creek皮尤特河);Myths & Texts神话与现实;The Back Country偏僻的山村;Regarding Wave观浪(Meeting the Mountain进山);Turtle Island龟岛;Left Out in the Rain:New Poems 1974-1985留在雨中:1974-1985新诗集
文集:Six Sections from Mountains and Rivers Without End Plus One山水穷尽六章外一章;The Real Work:Interviews and Talks脚踏实地工作:访问记与演讲稿
长篇小说:The Floating Opera漂浮的歌剧;The End of the Road穷途末路;The Sot-weed Factor烟草代理商;Letters书信集;Giles Goat-boy山羊孩子贾尔斯;Lost in the Funhouse迷失在开心馆里(Title题目);Chimera客迈拉; Sabbatical学院的轮休假;The Friday Book:Essays and Other Nonfictions星期五的书:论文及其他非小说
The Bluest Eye最蓝的眼睛;Sula苏拉;Song of Solomon所罗门之歌;Tar Baby柏油娃娃;Beloved;Jazz爵士乐
长篇小说:The Poorhouse Fair养老院义卖会;Rabbit, Run兔子,跑吧;Rabbit Relax兔子回家;Rabbit Is Rich兔字发财;Centaur马人;Of the Farm农场;Couples夫妇;The Witches of Eastwick伊斯特威克的巫婆们;Tust Me信赖我
短篇小说集:Pigeon Feather and Other Stories鸽羽及其他故事;The Music School 音乐学校;Problems and Other Stories问题及其他故事
评论集:Hugging the Shore:Essays and Criticism拥抱海洋:论文与批评
诗集:Midpoint and Other Poems中点及其他诗篇
小说:V;The Crying of Lot 49   49号遗物的拍卖;Gravity’s Rainbow万有引力之虹
A Garden of Earthly Delights人间乐园;Expensive People奢侈的人们;Them;The Assassins刺客;Childwold查尔德伍德;Son of the Morning黎明之子;Unholy Loves不神圣的爱情;Bellefleur贝尔弗勒;Angel of Light光明天使;A Bloodsmoor Romance布勒兹摩传奇
短篇小说集:By the North Gate北门边;Upon the Swearing Flood洪水浪潮;The Wheel of Love爱之轮;Marriage and Infidelities婚姻与婚外恋
诗集:Anonymous Sins无名的罪孽;Love and Its Derangement爱与爱的错乱;Dreaming America梦想的美国
剧本:The Sweet Enemy甜蜜的敌人;Sunday Dinner星期天会餐;Ontological Proof of My Existence我存在的本体论证明;Miracle Play奇迹剧
论文集:The Edge of Impossibility:Tragic Forms in Literature不可能的边缘:文学的悲剧形式;New Heaven,New Earth:Visionary Experience in Literature新天堂,新人间:文学中的幻想经验
剧本:Cowboys牛仔;The Rock Garden岩石花园;Cowboys #2牛仔第二号;Chicago芝加哥;Operation Sidewinder响尾蛇行动;Meloddrama情节剧
诗集:The Colossus巨人集;Ariel阿里尔集(Daddy;Lady Lazarus拉扎勒斯夫人);The Uncollected Poems杂诗集;Crossing the Water涉水;Winter Trees
小说:The Bell Jar钟形玻璃罩(自传体小说)
名诗:Death & Co死亡公司
Letting Go放手;When She Was Good当她是好女人的时候;Portnoy’s Complaint波特诺伊的怨诉The Breast乳房;The Professor of Desire欲望教授;Our Gang我们这一帮;The Great American Novel伟大的美国小说;My Life as a Man我作为男人的一生;The Ghost Writer代人捉刀的作家;Zukerman Unbound解放了的朱克曼
评论集:Reading Myself and Others评论自我与他人
诗集:The Dead Lecturer已故的讲师;Black Magic黑色魔术(Incident事件)
剧本:Dutchman;The Slave;The Motion of History历史的运动
The Fireside Book of Children’s Songs炉边儿歌集;The Paygroup Book儿童游戏大全The Fisherman Who Needed a Knife;The Thief Cather;The Baby Reader幼儿读物;The Plug-in Drug插入电源的毒品;Children Without Children没有童年的儿童
Geography of a Horse Dreamer马塞梦测者的地理;Angel City天使城;The Tooth of Crime罪恶的牙齿;Family家庭 (Curse of the Starving Class饥饿阶级的诅咒;Buried Child被埋葬的孩子;True West真正的西部);Fool for Love情痴;A Lie of the Mind心灵的谎言;Paris/Texas德州的巴黎
长篇小说:TheThird Life of Grange Copeland格兰治科普兰的第三次生活;Meridian梅丽迪安;The Color Purple紫色      名文:The Civil Rights Movement:What Good Was It?
短篇小说集:In Love and Trouble相爱与苦恼;You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down好女人永不屈服        散文集:In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens
诗集:Once有一次;Revolutionary Petunias革命的牵牛花        传记:Langston Hughes
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